Portland cops using Alinsky tactics on rioters – IOTW Report

Portland cops using Alinsky tactics on rioters

American thinker: Here is one more reason to respect and love the brave men and women of the Portland Police Bureau, standing up for 72 straight nights of riots destroying the formerly lovely downtown of Oregon’s largest city. They have not only kept their sense of humor, one among them is applying Alinsky’s tactics to the thugs. Watch and listen to the video in this tweet:

Male PPB officers detaining a female protestor and patting her down w/ no female officers present. I asked if they had a female officer to do patdown, one responded by “nope” the other said, “how do you know I don’t identify as a female?” Other officers laugh. MORE HERE

14 Comments on Portland cops using Alinsky tactics on rioters

  1. Using their own tactics against them? Defend them now!! A big thumbs up to the Portland police, even though the powers-that-be are in opposition.
    I wonder if anyone will be fired because of this. I hope not and I also hope that those involved will get promoted (knowing that the bureaucrats will not approve)

  2. The tweeter identified her as a “protester”. I submit that if she’s legs spread, hands cuffed behind her back, leaning on a cop car and being searched prior to being carted off to jail that’s she’s crossed the line from protester to rioter/criminal.


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