Portland killer ranted against Jews, Christians, and Muslims, media reported him as “Islamophobe” – IOTW Report

Portland killer ranted against Jews, Christians, and Muslims, media reported him as “Islamophobe”

Jihad Watch: The establishment media has seized upon Jeremy Joseph Christian, especially given his surname, as an example of their false claim that every religion has “extremists,” and Islam isn’t singular in this. In reality, this is one part of Jeremy Joseph Christian’s rant: “You don’t like it? You got a problem with what I’m saying? F*** all you Christians and Muslims and f****** Jews , f****** die. Burn you at the stake… f****** die.”

But when there are no actual instances of “Islamophobia,” as we have seen so many times before, they have to be invented to buttress the Left’s failing narrative that Muslims are frequently targeted and victimized in the U.S.


13 Comments on Portland killer ranted against Jews, Christians, and Muslims, media reported him as “Islamophobe”

  1. My bet is the media salivated in delight when they heard his last name….and then quickly froze when they heard who he voted for last November. Good thing he mentioned the muzzies in his rants or they’d be clutching their pearls trying to figure how they were going to make him into a right wing nutjob–after all, it’s perfectly acceptable (no, mandatory) for them to hate Christians and Jews.

  2. Seems like the fellow has an ax to grind against religion or the idea of a God. I think there is a word for that. hmmm… a theistphibe? No, that just sounds like a made up word that was devised as a shaming tool.
    Oh, how about calling the guy an “atheist”?

    But, oh, that would bring shame to the likes of Richard Dawkins or the memory of Christopher Hitchens so we would not want to use such a broad brush in describing the nut from Portland. Best just call him an Isalmophobe and that way only the right people are being shamed and the right people given a pass.

    And the MSM wonders why a man who is reported to have body slammed one of their own won an election?

  3. Democrats are not expanding their base throwing tantrums and demanding Trump renounce this or call it terrorism particularly when we had two actual Islamic terror events that they minimized their coverage in the last few weeks. And would this Bernie lunatic be so unhinged if it weren’t for the Democrats and their media constantly beating their drum to work up their wacko base.

  4. Just another angry atheist. Aren’t they all.

    Weak minded enough to fall for Jill Stein.

    Weak minded enough to fall for the teaching that this wondrous Universe by random accident.

  5. Every religion has its extremists – duh – but some (Islam, cough, cough) have more than others, dare I say far more than all the rest put together.

    The Most Holy Church of Self-Righteous Anti-Religionism holds up its end, though.

  6. SCR*W the “religion” angle:
    the guy is a LEFTIST Bernie-supporting Stein-voter!!!

    Let the media and its remaining (and dwindling) viewership swallow THAT.

  7. Hatred empowers evil hatred. Maybe a little too much hatred ispewing from the media? Taqiya jihad trying to establish muzzies as victims? Naw, he doesn’t look to be that smart on his own. Used? Abused by a cleric? Hates all, everybody, everything except drugs. Crazy?

    Portland – he dropped too much acid in the past. Tomorrow he will be singing hymns with a new piercing in some body part.

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