Portland mayor says his ‘hands off’ police response to August riot was ‘not the right strategy’ – IOTW Report

Portland mayor says his ‘hands off’ police response to August riot was ‘not the right strategy’

Post Millennial-

During the violent clash of protestors on August 22 in Portland, Oregon, city leaders instituted a “hands off” approach towards policing the event, a move that Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler admitted was “not the right strategy” on Wednesday.

“It is clear based on the public outcry, on the media outcry, on the national front, that that strategy was not the right strategy. I think we can all acknowledge that,” said Wheeler during a Portland City Council meeting, according to the Associated Press. “I take full responsibility for it.”

Portland, which sees more than its fair share of violence at protests thet often turn riotous, has been attempting to find a balance in policing these events even after more than a year of rioters terrorizing the city.

Wheeler said on Wednesday that when it comes to protests that have the potential to become violent, the city and police bureau are still “trying to find the right recipe” on how to respond. more here

7 Comments on Portland mayor says his ‘hands off’ police response to August riot was ‘not the right strategy’

  1. “Portland mayor says his ‘hands off’ police response to August riot was ‘not the right strategy’”

    Too late for being sorry. No one accepts the sorry, they will only remember the big ass mistake you made. You won’t be reelected that’s for sure.

  2. “has been attempting to find a balance in policing these events even after more than a year of rioters terrorizing the city.”

    The reason your city has suffered a year of riots, why thieves are emptying out the shelves of local bodega’s, and why butt ugly gorilla mask wearing skanks throw eggs at politicians they don’t like is because there are never consequences for displayed criminality. Why is the obvious so hard to grasp?

    And why do these dopes always think they know better than the experts? You know the police bosses told him flat out that this “hands-off” approach” would only incur further violence and property loss.

    But the mayor’s are only partially responsible, the local D.A’s that do not prosecute, also need to be boiled in oil.

  3. He’s admitting he screwed up?
    That means the people that own him have bought up all the real estate in the downtown area that was devalued due to the riots, and the proles will start getting jailed again for “peaceful protests.”

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