Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler will not seek re-election – IOTW Report

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler will not seek re-election

During the 2020 riots, agitators set his apartment building on fire.

14 Comments on Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler will not seek re-election

  1. If there exists in that jackasses cranium one tiny little kernel of intelligence lurking like a brain-eating amœba getting hungry, he’s got to be thinking…

    WHY the f*ck did I ever want to be mayor?
    Why THE F*CK did I ever want to be mayor?
    WHY the f*ck did I ever want to be mayor?
    Why the f*ck did I EVER want to be mayor?
    Why the f*ck did I ever WANT to be mayor?
    Why the f*ck did I ever want to be MAYOR?

  2. I heard about this watching Timcast the other day, some dumbass taproom owner (?) in Portland who promoted ANTIFA violence, even inviting them to smash all his windows, is going out of business due to “financial losses”;


    Funny how rampant crime and wanton property destruction are not conducive to turning a profit.

  3. Wheeler is not the problem, he(?) is a symptom. Collectively, Portland’s media is farther to the left than the mayor. Portland’s media will destroy anyone to the right of Wheeler. Thanks to the media and Wheeler, those who vote for a living outnumber those who work for a living. The city’s political power and money are controlled by wealthy liberals. Under Wheeler Portland became a scum magnet. Parasites have moved in and taken over. Tax paying job creators hare being run off, replaced by freaks, sexual weirdos, crazies, the homeless, drug addicts, the woke crowd, radical environmentalists, socialists, and free shitters. The teachers love Wheeler and are pumping out future voters who will make Wheeler look good. There is no hope.

  4. The ONLY reason this effeminate jackass had ANY success in life is because his grandfather deforested 40% of Oregon. He would have more if his alcoholic father didn’t drink 40% of Daddy’s money.


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