Portland Poll: Near 90% say quality of life is getting worse – IOTW Report

Portland Poll: Near 90% say quality of life is getting worse

Oregon Catalyst: “We’re Not Getting Worse” says 12% of Portland. The Other 88% Disagrees.

Portland voters simply are not buying what the City is selling. Rising crime, economic uncertainty, and a homeless debacle have contributed to Portlanders’ disapproval.

As reported already by multiple Oregon publications, a recent poll conducted by DHM Research and funded by the Portland Business Alliance revealed stunning pessimism among Portlanders.

Importantly, this is how Portland likely voters see their city – this was not a poll conducted among voters viewing Portland from a distance. more here

15 Comments on Portland Poll: Near 90% say quality of life is getting worse

  1. I’ve been there. It’s basically 10 square miles of Star Wars cantina wannbe’s.

    I never saw so many weird fucking people concentrated in one spot.

    50 Chi-coms with AK47’s could take over that city in under 24 hours.

  2. Buyer’s remorse is meaningless (and the best example of insanity rampant with the left) when you admit discontent but fail to do anything about it. These same crybabies will continue to vote the same way. The same leaders that got them into this mess will get re-elected because, well, libs are too stupid to get out of their own way and lack the capacity for change.

  3. I will probably never again go to S.F. or Portland. It would break my heart to see either city in its current state and the one which will likely continue. I’m especially sad to even see some of the pics of Portland and the destruction of so many very beautiful public statues and historic buildings.

    Somehow we’ve got to turn the language back around, too. Very few people are truly “homeless.” We’ve got a mental health crisis exacerbated by illicit drug use — and vice versa. Billions of dollars later, the problem has only become worse. For the health and safety of all, this country needs to sweep these people off the street and into some kind of long-term drug program, mental facility, or jail whichever is appropriate. Tough love.

  4. Albert Einstein’s observation: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Is only part of the collective problem in places like Seattle and Portland. There is absolutely no doubt that a critical mass of the fucking idiots meet the clinical definition, but even that is a symptom of the stone cold natural fact that they embrace progressivism, which is a kind of sanitized way of saying that collectively they are Satanists.

    Long before it was shoved in the faces of the rest of the world I had been posting such observations as: You who have not experienced living in close proximity may think you know just how wicked, evil, filthy, destructive etc their capacity for all of the above is infinite.

    Trust me on this, you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to what these fuckers are capable of.

  5. Portland, you reap what you sow.
    Too late to cry now. Cowboy up and fix yourselves.
    America is too busy saving Biden’s reputation as a savior of the minority illegals. He has a destiny to create don’t ya know. It’s for the children. Don’t forget that.

  6. “I will probably never again go to S.F. or Portland. It would break my heart to see either city in its current state ”
    Sure am glad Seattle came thru like a shining star, AA, WTF?

  7. Got the hell outta there last summer. 1000 miles away. Most of Portland’s scum, not the elected scum, are useless drug addicts. In our new city cops arrest bums for one day, hold them another day searching for a shelter. After 2 days of no drugs bums go crazy. As soon as they’re let out they find a more accommodating place to hang out. Only seen 3 vagrants in 7 months.

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