SJW Teacher Put On Leave For Endangering Students’ Safety By Walking Out – IOTW Report

SJW Teacher Put On Leave For Endangering Students’ Safety By Walking Out

DC: An Oregon school district placed a middle school teacher on leave after he walked out to protest for gun control, according to a Sunday report.

Portland Public Schools placed Ockley Green Middle School social studies teacher Chris Riser on leave after the teacher participated in a Feb. 9 walkout, reported The Oregonian.

“Our review concludes that students were subjected to the risk of potentially severe harm because of unauthorized actions that were not in keeping with our obligation to ensure students’ safety at all times,” the district said in an email sent to students’ families.

Riser joined approximately 100 Ockley Green students to protest the death of Quanice Hayes, a 17-year-old Portland police shot and killed in February 2017. Hayes was an armed robbery suspect and police shot him when the teenager seemed to reach toward his waistband, reported The OregonianMORE

4 Comments on SJW Teacher Put On Leave For Endangering Students’ Safety By Walking Out

  1. Qua Nice is still Qua Dead. boo f’n hoo.
    as far as i’m concerned ‘it’ was old enough to know better and still didn’t learn anything in nearly 12 years of oregons dept of education yoot training on social civilities.

  2. The Utopian statists here in Oregon and Washington who have been on a wild eyed frenzy have been succeeding in damaging their own brand more than any of us ever could. I read the comments under the articles on the Oregonian’s online site they have been suggesting to me that all is not happy in aspiring tyrant land and the wackos are getting more and more out of control and that the “go along to get along” leftists are starting to look at what it is that they are being asked to support instead of just going with the flow.

  3. So, what I’m reading, there really will be a zombie like apocalypses. But the “zombies” won’t be infected with something that is passed bit to bit but rather savages who live with no law and are no longer content with what the Federal Government steals on their behalf. They will figure “hey, if we cut out middle man we get more of everything” and the “arms are for hugging crowd” won’t be able to stop the onslaught.

    Hard times make hard men. Hard men make good times. Good times make weak men. Weak men make hard times. We are at the point where our glass is full of weak men and things are going to get hard fast.

  4. This teacher should be replaced, she does not understand the essential points of her job. The position description no where includes social justice warrior, only departing in the classroom at times’s allowed by the school admin.


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