Portuguese Gun Rights Group Joins Growing International Coalition Against Gun Control – IOTW Report

Portuguese Gun Rights Group Joins Growing International Coalition Against Gun Control

CFP: The International Association for the Protection of Civilian Arms Rights (IAPCAR) announced today that Portuguese gun rights group Associação Nacional da Arma de Portugal (ANARMA) have joined the international coalition of 33 associations in 23 countries dedicated to defending civilian firearms rights.

ANARMA’s membership in the civilian arms rights coalition expands the European membership to twelve groups from ten different EU and non-EU countries.

“We’re on the side of everyday people in all countries that wish to exercise their right to use firearms for legitimate purposes, including self-defense,” The Second Amendment Foundation’s founder Alan Gottlieb who serves as IAPCAR’s President said. “We’re very pleased to have ANARMA as our newest ally in the fight against extremist groups and individuals attempting to diminish firearms and self-defense rights.” MORE

5 Comments on Portuguese Gun Rights Group Joins Growing International Coalition Against Gun Control

  1. Portugal?
    Knock me over widda feddah!

    I was in Lisbon a few years ago and all the l’il chillens was dressed up with their white shirts and red scarves, like all good l’il commies, chanting and singing (have no idea what they were chanting and singing as I don’t speak Portuguese – just assumed it was some Comintern recital). The cops watched and laughed as a “blind” guy shuffled around snatching purses, striking women in the legs with his cane to distract them.

    Well, good luck to them, anyhow.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I think more people throughout the world, particularly those who are still allowed to own guns, are looking at what is going on in all those countries where the people are not allowed to own them and forming their attitudes based on what they are seeing going on in those countries where their ownership is severely restricted or banned.

  3. I got an e-mail today from the NRA wanting donations saying it was in danger of being driven to extinction.
    If they’d fought Calif over the massive gun grab I might have sympathy for them.

  4. @anonymous: actually they (NRA) were primarily responsible for the recent (temporary) overturn of the large-capacity magazine ban. The problem in CA isn’t that the NRA isn’t fighting, it’s the fact that CA is a one-party State, and anyone with any sense has already left.


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