Posobiec: This morning Biden yelled at Blinken for bringing a staffer with purple hair to the CCP summit, per WH official – IOTW Report

Posobiec: This morning Biden yelled at Blinken for bringing a staffer with purple hair to the CCP summit, per WH official

34 Comments on Posobiec: This morning Biden yelled at Blinken for bringing a staffer with purple hair to the CCP summit, per WH official

  1. It’s going to get much worse. Stupid fucking losers. Question is, why is he worried about some dyke with purple hair in consideration to what the regime is doing to our military? We are so fucked.

  2. If Joe Biden has an open press conference where reporters ask real questions, I predict Joe will be out to pasture within 30 days, bye Joe. One flew over the cuckoos nest.

  3. Complaining about the purple haired woman might be the only rational thing pResident Joe had said or done that I’ve agreed with since he was installed into office.

    I absolutely hate these multi colored hair trends and it’s completely unacceptable in a high level diplomat position. Who is she? Some lefty lesbian soccer player?!?

  4. Yea purple hair is about as smart as having a guy wearing a wife beater shirt on when meeting a foreign delegation. What else do you expect from the classless dems.

  5. I tell my kids that all human beings need attention. Get attention for doing something of value well instead of doing something weird. Purple colored hair would be an excellent example of doing something weird in order to get attention.

  6. Xiden having a “get off my lawn” moment, still he’s right. Purple hair is tacky and shows no decorum.
    Our enemies already know Xiden’s administration is a joke. They don’t need anymore convincing.

    BTW, Agreed Illustr8r. What is way worse than the purple is the red and orange Bozo colored haired Demwits.

    Old gals don’t use blue rinse anymore in thier grey hair, but they get a pass. They were just trying to keep things interesting.

  7. My son about 20 years ago decided to dye his hair Smurf blue for whatever reason I don’t understand. fortunately he grew out of it rather quickly especially after my old school Catholic father in law and some of his uncles mocked him rather mercilessly. They still loved him but let him know that he was an idiot. Even his great grandmother who about 95 at the time made fun of him. I don’t know if he’ll let his daughters know about this when they grow older but if he doesn’t bring it up we may just do it to let them know that their dad was a knucklehead.

  8. “Blinken”? Geez, where’s Wynken and Nod, maybe he can’t function without them…

    “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night
    Sailed off in a wooden shoe,—
    Sailed on a river of crystal light
    Into a sea of dew.
    “Where are you going, and what do you wish?”
    The old moon asked the three.
    “We have come to fish for the herring-fish
    That live in this beautiful sea;
    Nets of silver and gold have we,”
    Said Wynken,
    And Nod.”


    …but we sure saw him get the wooden shoe though…right in the ass.

    …pretty sad when the children’s book character he’s named for is demonstrably better at negotiating that the Secretary of State of a fraudulent “administration”…

  9. Biden, (his puppet masters) has chosen a bunch of freaks, non serious people & affirmative action picks.
    When I was young I got the advice to dress for the job you want.
    That woman wants to be an office clerk.

  10. Beachmom
    MARCH 20, 2021 AT 7:48 AM

    “The Chinese delegation was dressed for success.”

    ..yes, especially since they were waering Biden’s scalp…

  11. They got their asses handed to them by the Chinese. What a laughing stock administration! The Chinese do not respect the Biden Administration and neither does Russia. We are a JOKE, now that Trump is gone. And good thing our Troops are watered down with its own ‘Purple Hairness’. They will defend Taiwan and the China sea with matching shoes and purses.
    We went from having Dinner at the Forbidden City!! A RARE honor for any Diplomat and a first time for a US President!, to a tripping and bumbling fool with a purple haired crew in tow to spead the ‘wokeness’ campaign abroad. I’m disgusted.


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