Post–Mueller Report Reminder: The Russians Would Have Loved President Hillary Clinton – IOTW Report

Post–Mueller Report Reminder: The Russians Would Have Loved President Hillary Clinton

American Thinker: Had Daniel Patrick Moynihan been around for today’s politics, fellow New York Democratic politician Representative Hakeem Jeffries may well have provided the inspiration for his astute quote: “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”

During the recent House Judiciary Committee hearing, Representative Jeffries asserted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report showed that Moscow “artificially” placed President Donald Trump in the White House.  As the House Democratic Caucus chair, and not said as some off-the-cuff remarks, Jeffries further insisted that “Russia interfered with our elections, attacked our democracy for the sole purpose of artificially placing someone at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

Jeffries’s contention flies in the face of the Mueller report’s clear and unambiguous conclusion: yes, Russia did interfere in the election, but the investigation “did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple efforts from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”  Jeffries overlooks the fact that two years of intense investigation by a Mueller team of handpicked lawyers — largely Democratic donors and Clinton-supporters — did not return any findings supporting the charge of “collusion” (to the dismay of Democrats.)

Had Congressman Jeffries approached his solemn congressional oversight duties with objectivity, impartiality, and an open mind, the idea of Russia “colluding” with Donald Trump and his campaign — or even Russian support for Donald Trump — would never have made any sense to him.

Congressman Jeffries, like most Americans, must watch enough TV crime dramas to know that their favorite TV sleuths always seek to establish motive for a crime.  Motive goes a long way to explain “who done it” and, more importantly, why.  With Russia, TV’s best would also have been at a loss to make a case against President Trump because there was never a persuasive explanation for collusion comporting with events and information tempered by a dose of perspective.  What was Russia’s motive, and what did the Russians stand to gain from colluding with Donald Trump?  more

6 Comments on Post–Mueller Report Reminder: The Russians Would Have Loved President Hillary Clinton

  1. Read your history. The USSR / Russia has been interfering with our elections since 1917. The dems used to laugh at conservatives for pointing this out. Now the tide has turned. Hillary opened up confidential and secured emails for anyone who cared to read them. And those were just on a state department level. Imagine how much worse this would have been if they were Presidential level.

  2. The Russians Would Have Loved President Hillary Clinton

    Maybe her fellow cosmopolitan illionaires. But the Russians? The Russian people? No way! Eight years of vodka shortages would be just like the bad old days. Only worse. Because there’d be vodka shortages.


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