Postal workers demand USPS take action to stop widespread robberies – IOTW Report

Postal workers demand USPS take action to stop widespread robberies

JTN: Mail carriers nationwide are warning of a rise in robberies against them and urging the United States Postal Service (USPS) to intervene to protect them on their routes.

Robberies on mail carriers have exploded in recent years, more than quadrupling over the past decade, according to the Associated Press, which obtained such statistics via a records request to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. In 2022, there were 496 robberies that resulted in 31 injuries to postal carriers.

In light of the surge, union representatives are demanding the agency take action to address the mounting thefts and ensure the safety of its workers. 

“The National Association of Letter Carriers is outraged and angered by the assaults, armed robberies and even murders that America’s letter carriers increasingly face as they deliver the mail,” said union Executive Vice President Paul Barner. “These attacks are completely unacceptable.”

16 Comments on Postal workers demand USPS take action to stop widespread robberies

  1. They ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Does the The National Association of Letter Carriers think that there is some form of wizardry that will insulate them from the breakdown in society that their membership, through their participation in election fraud, have contributed to?

  2. whine to al sharp-turd. i received an opened envelope from a gubmint office in the southeast. it had my personal info available for any fkng dindu to read/steal. local po d-suckers said “we don’t know what happened, call the ig”

  3. Biden to Hire 87,000 new armed postal carriers to assist armed IRS Workers and ATF swat teams to go door to door to implement Biden’s Gun confiscation Executive order.

  4. I don’t get real mail anymore. Coupons from garbage restaurants, sell your house crap & sometimes the neighbors mail from down the street because the carrier is to lazy to walk the 100 yards. I give it back the next day so the pig has to waddle down the road . I don’t see any reason to have them anymore.

  5. Dear USPS Pension worker,
    Your protection is already available and at hand.
    But you’re being blocked by the collective union.
    Your protection is the 2A. And all you need to do is buy a gun, and some ammo.
    Then practice at a local range until you get at least semi proficient at close range.
    Then carry that hunk of steel with you, and don’t be afraid to use it as necessary.
    Oh, and install a vehicle camera in your carrier, so that you’ll have evidence against the “he said-she said” attacks.

  6. In the history of USPS, US Marines were used in the 1920’s to guard the mail on railroads. After that, at least from late 1920’s to 1950’s, Railway postal clerks were armed with small frame .38 S&W caliber revolvers. But i doubt there’s any political will to use these proven measures today.

  7. My Father-in-law was a mailman (also a Veteran of WWII) and had to deliver mail to apartment buildings where someone would try to block him from delivering Government checks. He had to stand his ground just to do his job. Once while I was coming home from work I passed by a blue box and a few people were trying to retrieve something from inside the box . A creep had dumped a litter of kittens. Had to call a postal inspector to remove them. (At least the Inspectors are armed)The kittens were removed safely and the creep who dumped the kittens had done it after the last pickup. That PO was a hero that day .


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