Potato suggests Fredo take a leave of absence – IOTW Report

Potato suggests Fredo take a leave of absence


CNN host Brian Stelter suggested on his “Reliable Sources” program Sunday that colleague and fellow host Chris Cuomo should have distanced himself from the network if he wanted to provide legal advice to his brother, Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo.

Stelter’s comments come on the heels of a report last week first published in The Washington Post detailing advice the younger Cuomo gave his embattled governor brother following a series of sexual harassment allegations. The Post reported that Chris Cuomo, who is an attorney, instructed his brother during “strategy sessions” to dig in his heels and refuse to resign amid a number of allegations from several women, including former staffers, which many outside observers saw as credible.

The advice was seen as unsavory and inappropriate given Chris Cuomo’s role as a journalist, even as his network and others were covering the sexual harassment allegations and other various scandals involving the Democratic governor. read more

7 Comments on Potato suggests Fredo take a leave of absence

  1. Chris Cuomo is about as much of a journalist as he is an attorney. But I am sure he will issue an “apology “ and get right back doing whatever it is he does, and put this whole unfortunate episode behind him.


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