Potemkin Prep: Kamala Harris does an Elizabeth Warren in the kitchen – IOTW Report

Potemkin Prep: Kamala Harris does an Elizabeth Warren in the kitchen

American Thinker; Kamala Harris has always had a problem with authenticity – dating from her political start at Willie Brown’s knee, so to speak, to her claim that she went to a racism-infested Berkeley high school in the 1980s, to her claims to smoking pot as a ‘Jamaican’ thang, something her real Jamaican father publicly corrected her on.

Now she’s stepped in it again, posing in an apron and pearls and perfect makeup to whip up some of her famous jerk chicken marinade in her kitchen for her husband’s Twitter feed.

Twitchy has some choice tweets questioning the matter.

How many things are wrong with this picture?

Well, start with the fact that it’s a duplicate of what fellow campaign rival Elizabeth Warren tried to do, drinking beer for the cameras to prove she was just a regular joe for those poor deplorable voters who supposedly want this sort of thing.

We all know how well that worked out for Warren.

And Harris is trying to duplicate it?

I’ve heard of politicians imitating each other but not imitating each other’s mistakes. This is a new one. Rimshot, Kamala. more


27 Comments on Potemkin Prep: Kamala Harris does an Elizabeth Warren in the kitchen

  1. How is she any phonier than Sanders?
    Or Clinton?
    Or O’Rourke?
    Or Buttigieg?
    Or Biden?
    Or Klobuchar?
    Or Booger?
    Or any of the other filthy Bolsheviks claiming to be Demonrats?

    Every one of them is an in-authentic lying grifter.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. gin blossom
    MAY 13, 2019 AT 8:08 AM
    “Not much of a feminist posing in a kitchen like a housewife.”

    …just trying to project a false image to the lofo normies, to be abandoned posthaste once she gets what she wants. Its a REALLY old strategy, actually…

    “Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are.”
    -Machiavelli, “The Prince”, 1513.

  3. Kerry and the Breck girl used to stop their bus, (what is it about democrats and buses?) at McDonald’s and order sacks of food that they promptly trashed back on the bus for the catered gourmet meals that were brought in by the back door

  4. Women cooking in a dress, apron and pearls has not been a regular “thing” since the early 60s, although I once dated this slender young thing who had a clear plastic apron that she would be sometimes be wearing in the kitchen when I got home from work …… needless to state, the food preparation was suspended for a little while.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  5. …Hillary did something like this in ’92, and it was just as phony THEN, but it WORKED. It WAS ably assisted by media lies and a lame Globalist HW Bush campaign, though…

    (BTW, enjoy the Schadenfreude over the start of the article, where they actually thought Hillary would be our next President in ’16…Time Magazine, so no surprises there, not even in the lack of editing (“cookie face-off” instead of “Bake-off”…really?))…


  6. I tend to wear an apron when I cook (if I can remember to) because they’re cute and I do tend to get a bit messy when I’m in the kitchen.
    But after wearing it a few times. And cleaning it… there shouldn’t be any creases like a brand new table cloth has.

    Also a white apron? Fake as hell. That’s a stain waiting to happen. Real apron wearers know to get a cute or fun pattern or color. I myself have a red one and a sanrio one.

    Anyway. This is fake and creepy.
    Marie Antoinette was beheaded for less.

  7. Here’s another point–WHY is SHE cooking the Mother’s Day feast for her husband?? I think he is white so maybe he forced her to do that. Oh, the patriarchy!!

    You are 100% a phony, Kamala.

  8. My wife makes my aprons out of my old overalls, they are really cool.
    She embroiders them and we give them as gifts.
    Made one for her hunting chiropractor, a spine and Dr. Bones embroidered.
    Nobody would ever mistake them as “new”.
    Bet Kameltoe makes a mean lengua taco.

  9. When Pocahontas did her beer drinking act, her husband walked in and she asked him, “Would you like a beer?.
    And he said, “No…..I don’t drink.”
    Seems nobody noticed that.

  10. “Kamala Harris does an Elizabeth Warren in the kitchen”

    …you know, if you were to take out the “an”, you’d have the title of a video absolutely NO ONE would want to see…

  11. When Trump supporters are asked about things they like about Trump, one of the things they tend to say is that he seems like one of us. A normal guy. He speaks like we do. He eats fast food, etc.
    So now the libidiots are trying like crazy to look like normal, average Americans. They are coming across as completely phony azz hats.
    Anyone else notice how spotless her white apron is?
    It still has the fold marks in it from being in the package.


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