Potentially 39M Cases of Identity Theft by Illegal Aliens in Last 4 Years – IOTW Report

Potentially 39M Cases of Identity Theft by Illegal Aliens in Last 4 Years

Big Government:

There have been potentially 39 million cases in the last four years in which Americans have had their identities and Social Security Numbers stolen by illegal aliens, a new investigation reveals.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Tonight, executive director of the Immigration Reform Law Insitute (IRLI) Dale Wilcox revealed to Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Rebecca Mansour that their latest investigation revealed 39 million cases between 2012 and 2016 where names on W-2 tax forms did not match corresponding Social Security records.

If each fraudulent Social Security Number user submitted only one W-2 form a year under a fake identity, this still amounts to nearly ten million individuals using stolen identities of American citizens. There are more than 12 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States.

Wilcox said American children are the most vulnerable to illegal aliens stealing their identities and using their Social Security Numbers to work in the country.  more here

10 Comments on Potentially 39M Cases of Identity Theft by Illegal Aliens in Last 4 Years

  1. Loco, a friend of my mom had her son’s SSN stolen and used to buy a house, which they later defaulted on.

    The bank came after the 3 year old boy wanting their money. Then the other creditors started calling. It got so bad, they went to court trying to get his SSN changed. I don’t remember what happened with that, but the creditors weren’t interested in suing a 3 year old boy, especially after his parents threatened to go to the media to publicly ask how the hell they couldn’t figure out the illegal had a 3 year old’s SSN when the illegals were signing loan papers and buying pricey items with a phony ID card.

  2. LOCO
    I had 1 credit card taken from my wallet while it was “locked” in a locker. That particular card was the one I intended to use the next day. Opened may wallet and look – not there. Very clever gang from “Moches” (hq for Vince Fox drug cartel, biggest gang in Mex.) had picked my lock, got wallet and took only 1 card. I reported it right then (tons of papers filled out for many folk). They had sold the card and the buyer was going to run up a very big bill in Vegas 3 days later.But my card was already on a watch list.

    5 guys had the same thing happen to them that day. One of them was a Deputy Sgt. He went to Vegas to testify. Even 25 years ago criminal aliens face different laws(?) than Americans – as in well “It was an act of love!”!


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