POTUS Bans Travel Visas for Top Iran Officials and Family – IOTW Report

POTUS Bans Travel Visas for Top Iran Officials and Family


The Trump administration announced on Sept. 25 that it is banning travel visas for senior Iranian officials and their families, which will largely affect Iranian students who study in the United States. The decision was, in part, made in response to Iran holding U.S. citizens in prison for arbitrary reasons.

The Islamic Republic of Iran “threatens peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond,” and “it is in the interest of the United States to take action to restrict and suspend” Iran’s senior officials from entering this country, said President Trump in a statement.

“Iran arbitrarily detained United States citizens,” the president said. “The Iranian regime contributes to humanitarian crises, threatens its neighbors, threatens international shipping, and conducts destructive cyberattacks.” read more

6 Comments on POTUS Bans Travel Visas for Top Iran Officials and Family

  1. I absolutely LOVE my President for being a virtuous and tireless ‘energizer bunny’.
    I marvel at his going and going. The anti-Usurper, undoing the ratshit Kenyan’s treachery, keeping the Left in a whirlwind of their own kaka, and MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

    btw, what would Yeb! do?? (other than bend over for any Saudi)


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