“POTUS IS 421” – IOTW Report

“POTUS IS 421”

Gateway Pundit:

Las Vegas Police Recordings Released from Joe Biden’s Sudden Medical Emergency and Mad Dash to Air Force One – (Audio)

19 Comments on “POTUS IS 421”

  1. I’d have preferred code 419 (dead body).

    Side note: I just found out that cop codes vary from department to department, helping to safeguard the inability of multi-department groups to communicate with each other. Well done, morons!

  2. Uncle Al
    Saturday, 10 August 2024, 11:47 at 11:47 am

    “Side note: I just found out that cop codes vary from department to department, helping to safeguard the inability of multi-department groups to communicate with each other.”

    …my County Dispatch used a phonetic alphabet as an identifier for various departments, but it varied from the military phonetic alphabet in many letters for reasons that were never made clear. This sometimes caused confusion with military vets when there was no reason for it, and also caused at least one “woke” problem.

    I wont go through the whole thing, but the MIL first three letters are ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE, where my County Dispatch first three were ADAM, BOY, CHARLES. This may have been common nationally at one time as folks may remeber the TV show ADAM-12 where the main police characters were dispatched as “1 Adam 12”, but not strictly universal as my county ALSO had a 1 Adam 12, but HERE that would have got you a fire engine from Anderson Township, and not a police unit at ALL (THAT would have been “8 Adam 12”).

    These were abandoned with the advent of Computer Aided Dispatch anyway, but couldnt have survived the woke era because of the second letter. Even back in the day we had people complaining about having to respond to being called “Boy”, as in “1 Boy 91”, and for the reason you’d expect them to be now.

    All I can figure is that these things are put together by politicians who steal each other’s ideas but change them slightly to make them their own, althogh maybe they changed from the military alphabet to make the civilian agencies sound less threatening. It did make for easy audio ID within the bounds of the County as the first number told you East, Central, or West, the letter was usually the municipalities first initial and the last 2 told you what the unit was, but outside of the county it was not universal and would mean next to nothing unless cross-county units with mutual aid agreements knew each other well; but no two counties used the same radio frequencies anyway so you had to relay everything through the County anyway so it didnt usually matter.

    This is in adjacent counties in the same state, so I would be VERY surprised if distal states that never worked together had any commonality at all, unless they chanced to share a migrating politican (like a police chief DEI hire) who likes to change things to suit himself instead of the other way ’round…

  3. Uncle Al
    Saturday, 10 August 2024, 12:06 at 12:06 pm
    “@SNS — “I don’t know if he’s a smurf but he has turned blue.” 😰🥶”

    …wasnt even good in that context, being a Black event, as cyanosis is only really noticable in the darkly complected around the lips and tounge, palms and nail beds, which are difficult to see on the first gestalt assessment…


  4. Every reference I’ve seen lately (w/in the last few years) to the phonetic alphabet has been to NATO, of all things.

    alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot, golf, hotel, india, juliet, kilo, lima, mike, november, oscar, papa, quebec, romeo, sierra, tango, uniform, victor, whiskey, xray, yankee, zulu

    I miss eagle. I’d rather have eagle than echo.


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