POTUS Removes Secret Service Director Randolph Alles – IOTW Report

POTUS Removes Secret Service Director Randolph Alles

Breitbart: Secret Service Director Randolph Alles is leaving his position, according to several reports on Monday.

The news was confirmed by White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in a statement.

“United States Secret Service director Randolph “Tex” Alles has done a great job at the agency over the last two years, and the President is thankful for his over 40 years of service to the country,” Sanders said.

Trump has selected Secret Service Agent James Murray to replace Alles in May.

The move comes after a series of leadership changes in the security branch of the Trump administration, including the resignation of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and the decision to withdraw Ronald Vitiello as his nominee for director of ICE.

The decision to force out Alles comes just days after a woman was arrested at the president’s Mar-a-Lago club with Chinese passports and computer and cell phone malware after she made it past a checkpoint.  read more

7 Comments on POTUS Removes Secret Service Director Randolph Alles

  1. Uh, I think it was PHenry who commented on that Mar-a-Lago incident by saying, “Well, there goes the Chinese Collusion conspiracy for 2020.” Does anyone here believe the Chinese would actually send in a Chinese national?! I sure don’t.

  2. @AA:
    You are correct – they are much more subtle than that. I suppose the security people need to look for the ACTUAL infiltration agent (“left hand”), as this “obvious” one was the “right hand”.

  3. Tweaking the administration bit by bit until it works to his standard. Funny how that is…In gov’t you get promoted whereas in the private sector you are shown the door.

  4. @Thirdtwin: interesting angle…then again Trump is no fool and has dealt with these types all his life, he is fearless…whereas the prior guy never held a real job or signed someones paycheck. I contend Trump is what the Founders had in mind, not the gaggle of self-serving nimrods and morons who infest the highest offices in the land. I’d pay big bucks to have Washington, Adams, or Jefferson return and walk through the hallowed halls of Congress…be like meeting Jesus, can’t look but down in humble awe because these people know they are posers who have been found out by the very men who set this thing up.

  5. TommyBoy in IN, I don’t think the intruder was the left hand or right hand of China. I think she was the ham hand of the Deep State. More like Veselnitskaya, or Halper or Mifsud. She was sent to put the illusion of some sort of collusion on Trump’s computers, and/or “wiretap” him.

    The resistance keeps saying it has moved on to SDNY, but that is never going to pan out. I think they’re stuck on framing up a grand conspiracy. And they’ll need a grand one to distract from the public dismantling of their first frame-up.

    Having said all that, what if Trump sent the woman in to test his security operation? Shake the tree and see what falls out.


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