POTUS signs an executive order on election integrity – IOTW Report

POTUS signs an executive order on election integrity

POTUS signs an executive order on election integrity that includes the following provisions:

– Requires documentary, government-issued proof of U.S. citizenship on its voter registration forms.

– Conditions federal election-related funds on states complying with the integrity measures set forth by Federal law.

– Directs the updating of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines 2.0 and security standards for voting equipment — which includes requiring a voter-verifiable paper ballot record and not using ballots in which the counted vote is contained within a barcode or QR code.

– Directs the Attorney General to enter into information-sharing agreements with state election officials to identify cases of election fraud or other election law violations. – Takes appropriate action against states that count ballots received after Election Day in Federal elections. – Revokes Biden Executive Order 14019, which turned Federal agencies into Democratic voter turnout centers.

7 Comments on POTUS signs an executive order on election integrity

  1. I question any attempt to change election processes by the Federal government. The US Constitution gives the states authority over elections. The Elections Clause gives states the power to determine the “times, places, and manner” of congressional elections.

    Congress can change these processes by passing a law, but I doubt that will happen after the Democrats stole seats in both the Senate and House.

    Someone please tell me I’m wrong, because I sure hope there is a way to make this happen!

  2. Good news! Just saw this on X by @DC_Draino about Trump and getting the States to agree to his EO on elections (bolding is mine):

    Trump withheld $400 million from Columbia and they changed their campus policies against Hamas supporters

    Trump withheld federal funding from Maine and they banned men from women’s sports

    Now Trump is withholding federal funding from states that don’t improve election integrity

    Guess what’s going to happen

  3. ^^^^ I was just going to report that. I see law suites and challenges for the next three years. I hope he can make it stick before the midterms here in Cali. The timings right to overthrow the communists.


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