POTUS Slams Those involved in Spygate: “Treason Means Long Jail Sentences” – IOTW Report

POTUS Slams Those involved in Spygate: “Treason Means Long Jail Sentences”

Bongino: President Trump sounded off on those involved in spying on his 2016 campaign in an early morning tweet, calling their actions treasonous.

President Trump wrote this morning, “My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!”

The President’s comments come after news earlier this week that Attorney General William Barr appointed Connecticut U.S. attorney John Durham to “examine the origins of the Russia investigation and determine if intelligence collection involving the Trump campaign was ‘lawful and appropriate.’”

27 Comments on POTUS Slams Those involved in Spygate: “Treason Means Long Jail Sentences”

  1. …Treason is SUPPOSED to mean a long fall with a short rope, NOT a jail sentence, just sayin’…

    …remember, Hitler was in jail for an attempted coup and they didn’t execute HIM. How’d THAT work out?

  2. He said TREASON, that’s what the man SAID, he said, THAT’s what he said….

    Heard this dis morning and shouted out “yeeeeeah boy”

    Buckle up for Summer!

    Passports to be taken away…soon.

  3. We should probably schedule some investigations and testimony and depositions and stuff like that.

    Maybe interview some people who wouldn’t lie to keep from going to jail. Wait, scratch that last idea.

  4. The fact-checkers are no doubt on this TREASON tweet like a tap on wire. Hey Dems, don’t you love it when your gaslighters have to explain why your heroes are not treasonous, merely seditious, with an accompanying listicle of Noble Seditionists?

  5. Now wait a minute, we don’t know what thier intent was?
    Could of been just a mistake, a low level intern, a misunderstanding of direction or a smidgen of corruption?
    Spying is such a harsh word.
    I got a few words, lamp post and a rope.

  6. Treason is a Capitol offense. It doesn’t usually result in long jail sentences, unless of course he is counting all of the years that they will have to sit on death row awaiting their executions.

  7. Hopefully perp walks will soon start.

    With that said, what Kerry did was also treason as well as that ex-state woman telling China to not agree to anything until Trump is gone. They both admitted it, so they both should already be charged.

  8. Trump is a masterful chess player. He plans several moves ahead. He’s proven winner at this game. If I was part of the swamp rat-fest that is obama, clinton, comey, brenner etc, I’d be sweating.

  9. Trump is always words, but not action. Prove yourself, puppet Potus! He is NOT a proven winner yet, or many guilty seditionists would already be in jail. Hillary Clinton for one. Trump has a title, but is not allowed to wield the power of his position. His campaign rhetoric was obviously a psy-op orchestrated by a subversive think-tank to get gullible Americans to support him. It worked! But after election, Trump has been made a destructive puppet working against the will and welfare of the American people who are NOT Communist subversives like most members of Congress, MSM, and marketed entertainers who are paid to be hateful and perverse. BTW, Americans don’t want more war, but Trump’s WH gang does. And so does Israel’s Netanyahu, Trump’s and Kushner’s personal friend.

  10. The joyfilled ghouls of the US government under President Trump and President-puppeteer Jared Kushner in their military-industrial, US profit-bearing support of Saudi Arabia’s war against Yemen, because the Saudis didn’t like the results of that country’s election. As a President, does this qualify as “crimes and misdemeanors,” financing another country’s war crimes?

    Atrocities in Yemen Speak to Trump’s Moral Character
    He ignores his role in the destruction of Yemen, yes. But why do we let him control the conversation?
    By CORY MASSIMINO • August 24, 2018
    “This non-interventionist sensibility is part of what made Trump stand out amongst his Republican competitors during the 2016 Republican primary. ”

    “In his 2000 book The America We Deserve, Donald Trump explained his views about the morality of military intervention:
    “My rules of engagement are pretty simple. If we are going to intervene in a conflict it had better pose a direct threat to our interest- one definition of “direct” being a threat so obvious that most Americans will know where the hot spot is on the globe and will quickly understand why we are getting involved.
    “It’s a human rights catastrophe that—despite the fact that America has no quarrel with Yemen or the Yemeni people—President Trump is subsidizing. With its most recent deal to arm the Saudis costing the U.S. over a billion dollars,
    small government conservatives should be much more concerned about the price tag of this bloody foreign intervention. Despite a 37 percent increase in civilian deaths during the first half of 2018, the Trump administration has continued to provide the Saudi regime with arms, spare parts, maintenance, and fuel.

    Horrifying images of starving children reveal the ongoing toll of Yemen’s forgotten war
    By Neha Thirani BagriSeptember 12, 2016
    Air strikes and a Saudi imposed naval, land and air blockade on Yemen, which imports over 90% of its staple foods, have caused food prices to soar, making it impossible for Yemenis to afford food to feed themselves and their families. According to recent figures from the United Nations, more than 14 million Yemenis
    (about half of the country’s population) are going hungry and urgently need food and medication.

  11. Explanation to the above post that proves greed and wealth have priority in Trump’s administration. Just like in every other administration preceding Trump’s. Which means he is just as criminal as the others were. And he still has two years to go to do even more harm. When there is NOT even one ethical/moral person ALLOWED to try to be POTUS, whom does one support? Looking back into history, possibly decent candidates either get threatened or assassinated to prevent them. So Whom come 2020?

    Trump signs Kushner-negotiated $100B Saudi arms deal
    Zachary Cohen-Profile-Image
    By Jeremy Diamond and Zachary Cohen, CNN
    Updated 1713 GMT (0113 HKT) May 20, 2017
    “Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (CNN)President Donald Trump signed a nearly $110 billion defense deal with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud on Saturday, signaling the United States’ renewed commitment to its alliance with the Gulf kingdom and desire to bolster its counterterrorism partnership.

    The deal was finalized in part thanks to the direct involvement of Jared Kushner, the President’s son-in-law and senior adviser. ”

  12. A angry fire-breathing dragon always arises to devour dissent to the common perception of reality devised by the MSM’s propaganda lies, and Trumps’s hawks..

    Trump must avoid ‘very stupid and costly war’ with Iran – Tulsi Gabbard
    Published time: 16 May, 2019 18:22
    Edited time: 17 May, 2019 08:5

    “The president has surrounded himself with hawks and regime changers who are driving US policy toward oblivion, Gabbard said, calling out National Security Advisor John Bolton by name.

    Washington has taken up a new effort to antagonize Iran, accusing the country of planning an attack on US interests or allies in the Middle East. That alleged “threat” provided a pretext to field an arsenal of military hardware into Iran’s backyard, drastically raising the chances for a ‘Gulf of Tonkin’ incident.”

    Who Wants This War with Iran?
    PAT BUCHANAN • MAY 17, 2019

    “If we wish to impose a regime more to our liking in Tehran, we will have to do it the way we did it with Germany and Japan after 1945, or with Iraq in 2003.
    We would have to invade and occupy Iran.”

    “Who wants us to plunge back into the Middle East, to fight a new and wider war than the ones we fought already this century in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen?

    Answer: Pompeo and Bolton, Bibi Netanyahu, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Sunni kings, princes, emirs, sultans and the other assorted Jeffersonian democrats on the south shore of the Persian Gulf.

    And lest we forget, the never-Trumpers and neocons in exile nursing their bruised egos, whose idea of sweet revenge is a U.S. return to the Mideast in a war with Iran,
    which then brings an end to the Trump presidency.”

  13. All we need is one to turn, the rest will fall like so many dominoes.
    Or go on the lam to a country we have no extradition with, never to return – ever been to one of those countries?
    That will do it for me.
    BTW, “Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics.” – seems odd no one has mentioned Nixon – a little spying going on there, no?


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