POTUS to use Insurrection Act to remove illegal aliens – IOTW Report

POTUS to use Insurrection Act to remove illegal aliens

DC: President Donald Trump is planning on using the Insurrection Act to remove illegal immigrants from the United States, The Daily Caller has learned.

According to multiple senior administration officials, the president intends to invoke the “tremendous powers” of the act to remove illegal immigrants from the country.

“We’re doing the Insurrection Act,” one official said.

Under the Insurrection Act of 1807, the president has the authority to use the National Guard and military in order to combat “unlawful obstruction or rebellion” within U.S. borders. The act was last invoked in 1992 by George H.W. Bush to quell the Los Angeles riots, and was also used by Eisenhower in 1957 to enforce school desegregation in the south.

An official expressed concerns that Trump’s use of the act’s powers would face legal challenges, pointing to the lawsuits against the president’s travel ban from majority-Muslim countries. However, as the official noted, the travel ban ultimately prevailed in the Supreme Court.

In addition to the Insurrection Act, the president is also considering declaring the country full and insisting that the U.S. can no longer handle the massive influx of illegal immigrants. 2019 is currently on pace to reach the highest levels of illegal immigration in a decade.  more

26 Comments on POTUS to use Insurrection Act to remove illegal aliens

  1. Trump is still lying, as the illegals and legal ones keep swarming in by the thousands, being allowed to enter and stay. Coming in to take jobs from Americans, to be parasites on welfare, to spread contagious diseases, and to be criminals at large. Kushner and Miller are making the decisions on illegals AND legalized immigrants. Trump is only an egotistical figurehead in the White House.

    From this article:
    “ICE facilities were forced to release 100,000 illegal immigrants in the first three months of 2019 because of overcrowding in detention centers. (RELATED: Overwhelmed ICE Facilities Forced To Release Illegals)

    Separately, the president unveiled a new immigration plan Thursday that focuses on border security and merit-based legal immigration. The plan, which was co-authored by top aides Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller, would increase the proportion of visas granted to highly-skilled immigrants and also establish a self-sustaining border security fund.”

  2. @tRuth — POTUS Trump is NOT the head of a dictatorship. The way the laws are now written regarding how illegal border crossers are to be dealt with, how long they may be held in camps, what category of illegal (families, parent/child, asylum seekers), and so on; all these factors are governed by laws that have been established for decades and many enacted just during the obama regime for the sole purpose of weakening our immigration policies and encouraging illegal assault on our country in order to pump up Democrat vote fraud.

    The high numbers we are now experiencing of illegal border crossers is the direct result of an immigration policy created by equal parts globalist lobbying — the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, for example — power-seeking pols who have bent (been bribed?) to the will of a minority constituency seeking low-cost labor under the guise of “Jobs Americans won’t do”, and with the side benefit that illegal border crossers are easy to register for voting (see CA motor voter, for example) and difficult to track down.

    To say that POTUS Trump is “lying” about any of these things, is itself a big fat lie. Either you haven’t been paying attention to all he has said about the matter, are being willfully ignorant to that fact, or you are purposely being anti-Trump on the subject. Those are your choices.

  3. The Central Americans will be returning to ghost towns, they’re all already here. Their countries are shitholes because that’s what they voted for or allowed to happen. They want to come here and repeat the process.
    The big bullshit lie repeated by the left is they are coming here for work, the truth is they want to exploit social services take all they can.

  4. The two things I wish Trump had addressed in this afternoon’s Rose Garden announcement are: 1) Illegals, regardless of which state they live in, cannot vote in federal elections; 2) Illegals, wherever they live, are not eligible for any direct or indirect federal welfare dollars.

  5. Perhaps truth can share with us who she thinks occupied the white house who’s record of accomplishments dwarf’s what this president has done.
    Against almost insurmountable obstruction from both parties he has kept promises he made. I can’t think of another person who’s done that in my lifetime, not one.

  6. Maybe he should do something about the yearly million plus illegals that are making it into the US in the first place before he tries to remove them after the fact.

    As it stands, there will probably be a dozen replacements for every one of them removed.

    FWIW, the numbers of illegals coming in has set new record numbers since Trump took office, not even a ding in their overall numbers, just an increase.

  7. President Trump is constrained by the same Constitution that Obola, et.al., dismissed, the Supreme Court abuses, and the Legislature attempts to pervert.

    Dictatorship brings more problems than it solves.
    If the media weren’t corrupt (Academia has always been) the entire complexion of American politics would be different. Probably unrecognizable. ALL politicians held to some “standard” of honesty and decency – not give a pass on their thefts and treasons because of their mouthing the platitudes of nihilism and socialism.

    But that’s to “dream the impossible dream,” isn’t it?

    Expecting one to do what one is paid to do is, today, an absurdity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. How can there be legal challenges to maintaining border security, yet no legal challenges to countries that encourage their citizens to invade our country?
    Somethin’ ain’t right here…

  9. I would think that with number of invaders, per-day, coming into America that I see reported, there would be more of a concern with our representatives in Washington. Overall only a handful of our “leaders” in Washington are expressing any problem. I would like to see allot more effort at Washington finding solutions of any type to stem this unsustainable attack. Sitting on their hands is just not cutting it.

  10. AbigailAdams, your answer to tRuth is spot on. Thank you.

    As far as “Trump’s use of the act’s powers would face legal challenges”, well, duh! Of course there will be. That’s why Obama installed so many of his globalist cronies into the court system. He did it to weaponize them to prevent exactly what President Trump is trying to accomplish – erase the evil that has been unleashed upon this country by America-hating, global-loving ‘leaders’ (including Presidents) of the last few decades.

    God bless you, Mr. President. Always remember we outnumber those (for now) who would fundamentally transform our country into a shit-hole. God, please bring patriots along side him to fight the evil that we have let in while we were content.

  11. Well and good. I know a lot of people aren’t ready for my preferred method – a physical border with multi-language signs stating “Armed Response” with the means and the will to back it up.


  12. I would even go as far as installing mine fields and machine gun towers at 300 foot intervals, if that’s what it takes to keep them out.

    Liberals from around the world will squawk loudly. Let them squawk till hell freeze over.

  13. @Perry — The reason our elected representatives — All of the Democrats, but too many Republicans as well — deny the crisis of illegal aliens is because, above all else, they are truly #Resistance-ing this duly-elected president. These are the tip of the spear of the entrenched administrative “deep” state; encouraging treason among those partisan bureaucrats who have stymied POTUS Trump’s executive prerogatives. I often listen to guest speakers at Hillsdale College and recently listened to Mick Mulvaney’s talk on the growing Constitutional crisis caused by these people. Having been a Cabinet member and now Trump’s CoS, he is in a unique position to comment on his first hand experiences of being sued by that woman at the CFBP who believed she was untouchable by a duly-appointed head over her who had the authority to fire her.

    Here’s the link to Mulvaney’s speech:

  14. 3/4 of this country doesn’t have any idea there is a border crisis. And of the 1/4 who do, how many care? Nothing will happen until “something big and bad” happens. Then people will be “how did this happen?”

  15. @AbigailAdams May 17, 2019 at 5:22 am

    > To say that POTUS Trump is “lying” about any of these things, is itself a big fat lie.

    U mad?

    (Look… just because somebody posts pix of your man in a bathroom stall with a tranny… after you swore you married him because he was over that stuff… don’t make it the poster’s fault.

    It do make u smaht, though.)

  16. @Claudia May 17, 2019 at 9:40 am

    > Always remember we outnumber those (for now) who would fundamentally transform our country into a shit-hole.

    For now. Yes. That’s the plan.

    > God, please bring patriots along side him to fight the evil that we have let in while we were content.

    United States patriots, by their own oaths, will not fight. Wouldn’t be prudent. Those who will fight are traitors. To the United States. You were content to let in evil, because it is what you yearn for. And, of course, the ability to virtue signal “How horrible! Well, I never.” Like patriots, that’s fine. You are who you are.

  17. Illegals brought in, never to leave again. “Waiting for asylum to be processed ” means being allowed to stay,to get welfare, to get jobs,and to VOTE as genuine “undocumented” not-citizens. What a lying fraud!

    ICE to hire contractor to transport 225,000 migrants to shelters across the US
    By Danielle Wallace | Fox News

    The Trump administration is looking to hire a private contractor that will be responsible
    for transporting approximately 225,000 migrant children and families to shelters across the country over the next five years as they wait for their asylum claims to be processed.

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