Powder Keg Africa: New Niger Government Makes Bold Move to Gut France – IOTW Report

Powder Keg Africa: New Niger Government Makes Bold Move to Gut France

Revolver: Last Saturday military-backed forces of Niger’s presidential guard detained and overthrew President Mohamed Bazoum, marking the African nation’s fifth military coup since gaining independence from France in 1960. The head of the presidential guard General Abdourahmane quickly declared himself the new leader of Niger’s government:

While such affairs are of course interesting in their own right, recent developments in Niger reverberate far beyond the ever shifting sands of coup-torn African politics, and threaten to involve both France and Russia, and even the United States in an increasingly volatile African powder keg.

The deposed President Bazoum was an important Western ally in terms of facilitating both Niger’s cooperation with the West to combat terrorist groups in Africa. Having a cooperative ally in Niger (some would say “puppet”) was especially important to Western powers in the aftermath of a similar military coup in neighboring Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso’s Russia-aligned, anti-French interim leader Ibrahim Traoré deposed Paul Henri Damiba to become  the youngest serving president in the world at 34. more

SNIP: The other day, I was watching some foreign news and every time they said, “President Bazoum,” I laughed. Why? This.

18 Comments on Powder Keg Africa: New Niger Government Makes Bold Move to Gut France

  1. I saw this documentary that says the only way you can have a coup is if you challenge the president and make him drink purple drank to take away his Black Panther powers, then you have to beat him in a fight. It MUST be a great system, Wakanda is an AMAZING country!

    Hey, you think they’ll send troops?

  2. I’ve been following this the best could for a while. Why are the Israelis over there trying to tune the farmers up and no one else? (the guys that carry with an empty chamber). Why is there no international fund to get some Mercs over there? Why don’t we have a domestic fund to do the same? I figured it out. This is the epicenter of kill whitey. The ironic thing is the entire country will starve to death after they do so.

  3. Brad,

    I think you actually answered your own question.
    “the entire country will starve to death…”

    Camel Toe Just gave a speech about “one we reduce population…”

    That may actually be the WEF goal.

    For example, The population reduction in the Ukraine is at MINIMUM already 400,000 and rising.

  4. Kcir

    Honestly, I never thought of it in those terms. You might be right. There’s some horrific things going on over there. Especially to white women. Someones gotta step in.

  5. Nothing that is being done or promoted by the elites is even intended to maintain a population. Once you look at their agenda and proposed policies you can’t help but think they’re wanting to kill us.

  6. Brad, Here is another concept from the Great Fucked North:

    If the Last Election was STOLEN, Then it stands to reason that the AMERICAN CITIZEN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for the current State of the World, the Domestic problems within the United States, & the severe political corruption that is in almost EVERY WORLD GOVERNMENT.


    If the Election WAS NOT STOLEN (as Democrats & MSM Claim), THEN the American PUBLIC is DIRECTLY & WILLINGLY RESPONSIBLE for the Current Wars, SEVERE CORRUPTION & HORRIFIC STATE of The WORLD.

    Let That sink in.

    Fuckin Stolen PERIOD!

  7. France never let go of its colonial holdings. They granted them “independence” as long as they remained dependent on France and voted the way they were told to in the UN.

    Their forte for control has been maintaining presidents for life of their various vassal states.

    Unfortunately, if France is ousted from Africa, they will only be replaced, likely by Russia and/or China. There is no end to potential presidents for life in Africa and they all need wealthy, powerful sponsors.

  8. Gee, according to American public schools, Hollywood & black supremacists here in the US Africans are smarter and more advanced than anyone else.
    I guess the young brainwashed kids would be sadz to learn Wakanda and wise women kings aren’t real.

    Meanwhile South African blacks are getting bolder about murdering whites. Wait til hey take all the farms. So. Africa will starve.


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