Prager: Free Speech Is The Left’s Dire Enemy – IOTW Report

Prager: Free Speech Is The Left’s Dire Enemy

Dennis Prager: There Is No Example of Left Having Power and Not Suppressing Speech – Its Dire Enemy.

21 Comments on Prager: Free Speech Is The Left’s Dire Enemy

  1. Prager cited the exact same incident as Robert Spencer did in the previous thread – the Reichstag Fire – as the flashpoint to begin suppressing speech and opposition to the left.

    And again, I repeat, 50% or more don’t have a clue as to what is going on.

  2. The more I think about it the more it makes sense to me why they may be frantic to shut down social media. If Trump releases the pics of Hunter molesting children {earlier post by Goldenfoxx} it would be a catastrophic nuclear event {public relations wise}. It would absolutely destroy Biden!

    Oh yeah, it makes alot of sense to me!

  3. Free Thought; enemy #2

    Free Mobility; enemy #3

    They do not want people, capital, and talent to be able to LEAVE. Look at Cali’s leaving the state tax.
    Covid was perfect for making people afraid to move without permission.

  4. MD has been trying (and succeeding) to punish fleeing Marylanders for years. They hit you with the whole “not insured” in MD scam.

    “You aren’t insured!”

    “Yes, I am. Changed to MO the day I moved.”

    “Pay us 1000 dollars per vehicle. That’s 4 thousand for you.”

    “Fuck you.”

    “We have rescinded your driving license and have sent the MSP to arrest you.”

    “Fine. But whoeverthefuck you are arresting at that address ain’t me…”

    It eventually had to go to court. Completely innocent and still hounded, put to collections, and credit score blown up.

    All communists go to hell.

  5. Erik

    What are Maryland residents who move to another state supposed to do to avoid problems regarding auto insurance? Just trying to follow what you’re describing.

  6. Hell if I know. You can’t turn in the MD tags before you move. You can’t get MO tags until you have “proven” residence. Which usually means at least an electric bill.

    We changed insurance immediately. We changed DLs and tags as soon as we could “prove” residency.

    I think what MD does is try to fuck everybody. Most will pay, some will say fuck off, and some have to go to court.

    My first car up for insurance I told them I was no longer a resident. They pissed around sent me to collections for 900 dollars. I told those faggots to fuck off. I responded to another MD DMV email with scans of my MO DL and MO insurance. They relented on that one.

    The other 3 cars I sent the same shit. It didn’t make a dent.

    Apparently they can’t tell the difference between MD and MO.

  7. MO is much better. Still a bit confusing. I have an old Beetle I wanted to have inspected. I went to the MODOT and requested paper tags for transport (which would be required in MD). The MODOT people looked at me as if I had 3 heads.

    “We don’t have transport tags, whatever the hell those are, just go get inspected and tagged.”

    “With out-of-state expired tags?”

    “Uhh, yeah.”

    “I won’t be arrested? Go to jail?”

    “Drive to the inspection and get tags across the street.”

    “They are expired out-of-state tags… you understand?”

    “Sir, just go do it.”

    “I can drive on bad tags?”

    “Sir, you need to leave. We don’t have “transport tags”, we don’t do temporary tags…”

    I was dumbfounded.

    In MD this would all be felonious shit.

  8. Erik
    JANUARY 11, 2021 AT 12:09 AM

    …THAT’S worth the trip here!

    You, sir, are a bard! Few can make a trip to the DMV entertaining AND informative, but YOU accomplished that in just a few lines of text!

    …thank you for the morning laugh, good way to start the day and may God bless you by keeping the fuel for these to a minimum in your new home…

  9. Take advice from MLK and Gandhi. You don’t have to agree with their philosophy or ideology to recognize the strength of their tactics. Non violent protests – gumming up the works so to speak – are always more effective than a shootout. You will always lose a shootout.

    You have to make them resort to brute force to show their true natures. When the Selma marchers crossed the bridge they were met with firehoses and dogs. Those images of unarmed people being hosed off their feet and bitten by police dogs did more for change than any Black Power poseurs with their salutes and grimaces.

  10. Nancy is the Mad Queen
    JANUARY 11, 2021 AT 7:24 AM

    “You have to make them resort to brute force to show their true natures. When the Selma marchers crossed the bridge they were met with firehoses and dogs. Those images of unarmed people being hosed off their feet and bitten by police dogs did more for change than any Black Power poseurs with their salutes and grimaces.”

    …tell me about it. I had to hear all about that time some dumbass firemen did what Democrat politicians told them to do some 40-odd years later, when I was a fireman and my agency was accused of “letting Black churches burn” by an AME “pastor” with a HUGE racial chip on his shoulder (as the AME types tend to have) who only heard PART of a radio conversation between the Cheif and interior firefighters making Darth Vader noises in ther SCBA and wrote his OWN story from there, probably to distract from the fact that it was his subcode wiring that made the small, smoky mess in his electrical room that was actually put out very quickly.

    But even though most participants in those dousing, the very, very few of the that there were are dead, those images STILL come up every time a Black person gets butthurt for any reason, and that’s ALSO why fire departments need the Police to clear a path to dying people or burning buildings in riots even though the equipment is capable of pushing through, just so we don’t make a NEW “iconic image of the Civil Rights Struggle” to be used out of context and with all references to the Democrats who caused it deleted for the NEXT 90 years…

  11. @Nanci is the mad queen, social media and the Dirty Dem propaganda media won’t show it.
    Like they don’t show Pres. Trump telling people to go home or the fact that 99+% of the the protesters in DC on the 6th were peaceful.

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