Predictions… – IOTW Report



31 Comments on Predictions…

  1. State Elections boards start….
    giving hourly updates….
    and the demonrats keep….
    the ballot counting open….
    until they win and retain control….
    of the US House and Senate.

  2. I think we wake up tomorrow to hear the MSM crowing that it was the biggest upset in election history! The voters overwhelmingly sent a message that they want to “Stay the course” with Biden and the democrats.
    The GOP will wring their hands and say “Well, there’s no evidence of voter fraud, we just have to work harder in 2024.”

  3. Today is a news free day at my house. I am not watching any TV news including FOX or listening to Dan Bongino etc. at all today. My sanity needs a day off, besides tomorrow we’ll know who won and I believe that the democraps will have lost bigtime in a red landslide. And I honestly believe that Tiffany Smiley will upset Patty Murray in Wash. state

  4. Democrats have already been saying it could take days or weeks to count all the votes.
    In other words, keep counting til THEY WIN.
    Democrats never win unless they CHEAT.

  5. Predictions:

    Democrats cheat.

    They cheat enough and win – Civil War.

    They don’t cheat enough and lose – Civil War.

    They let enough RINOs win so they can BLAME Republicans for the death spiral they’ve put us in but they remain firmly in control by proxy thru the RINOs – Civil War, but later next year.

    You’ll notice one common thread.

    We can’t live with the Communists and the Communists will never leave us alone or let us go our own way because they need us as slaves and fear us as masters.

    The only course is a national divorce.

    And it’s going to be a bloody one.

  6. Well, if there’s one thing I learned this year, it’s that I’ll have to “voat harderer!” Thanks, fnuck.

    (This comment is offered only because that phrase keeps buzzing in my head today.)

  7. However, as I said in the Nevada post, my vote has likely already been stolen, or at the very least cancelled out.

    Loco of little faith…sigh*

    When exactly is it not too early to start drinking?

  8. Very few races will be called today, mail-in ballots take a while to count (change or discard).

    If the pattern holds true from 2 years ago, the races with the Republicans up big will be delayed under the pretext of “found more mail-in ballots”, this will give the cheaters time to fix it. The next day they will report that the race has tightened, with the day after that reporting that the Dem candidate has made a huge comeback and won the race.

  9. Agreed Rich, I saw a graphic of the 2018 race between Ron DeSantis and drug addled Andrew Gillum.
    It had 98% of the vote tabulated and RD was ahead by 100K votes.
    When all were counted he won by 30K.
    Gillum picked up 70K votes at the end that no doubt included fraud.
    They simply didn’t have enough stolen votes.

  10. If Ron DeSantis doesn’t win this time by double digits over Charlie Crist all hope is lost.
    It would mean that either you can still cheat in Florida or that the state is full of idiots.
    Either one will be devastating…

  11. Fetterman wins in PA. That’s my prediction. It’s been widely reported that the supreme court of PA ruled that ballots without dates and ballots with the wrong date cannot be counted. They’ve clarified that ruling and in the process, gave the communists the dates they could put on the envelopes to ensure that the votes contained within them are counted.

    “On Saturday, the state Supreme Court unexpectedly issued an additional order clarifying its definition: Mail-in ballots are to be rejected in this election if the handwritten dates fall before Sept. 19, 2022, or after Nov. 8 (Election Day), and absentee ballots are to be rejected if they are dated before Aug. 30, 2022, or after Nov. 8.”

  12. I just got back from voting, there was a longer line when I left

    6 of the 12 machines weren’t working
    listening to the poll workers, this is not an isolated incident & they’re waiting on a tech but no eta on getting the machines fixed
    (purposely causing voters to wait extra long to cause voter suppression?)

    they gave me 2 sheets of paper, no more straight R or D ticket choices, had to vote for each candidate individually, print the results, then take the document to a scanner & scan it.

    the printed document gets dumped into the (locked?) black box

    review your documents for computer errors before taking it to the scanner to record your vote

  13. I’ve been saying it for two years. The underlying issues in our voting processes have not been addressed.

    Maricopa County:

    Tabulators in Texas not working:

    Dominion Machines in Mercer, NJ experiencing “glitch”.

  14. @ Ghost of Burner NOVEMBER 8, 2022 AT 8:42 AM

    I said it in 2004. Not a single vote from any other county should be tabulated until King County has counted, submitted and certified their votes.

  15. @Geoff I think Tiffany Smiley will win too. I hope I just didn’t jinx her. Along the Centennial Trail in Snohomish there are lotsa Smiley yard signs-which my first thought is always “that’s brave!” I haven’t seen any Murray signs anywhere.

  16. House is a lock

    Then repubs have 2-4 close enough senate elections to pick up just one needed seat. IMHO at the very least Penn is a lock for Oz, Nev is a lock for Laxalt, Walker will not beat Warnock but might in GA, Arizona SHOULD be for Masters, but wouldn’t be surprised if Kelly wins.

    That’s at least 2 seats for R, we only need 1.

    All other states are secured, don’t expect any upsets.

    Any senate win will likely be contested by election denying democrats.


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