Prepare your crying towels! – IOTW Report

Prepare your crying towels!

Liberals react to Donald Trump’s election win:


Dem Supporters At Clinton HQ Openly Bawl As Trump Upends All Expectations.



CARVILLE BREAKS DOWN: ‘If This Thing Goes Where It Looks Like… Please, God Let Me Be Wrong!’ [VIDEO]



Obama’s Political Guru Concedes Election: ‘Never Been As Wrong On Anything In My Life’

canada with flag

The Canadian immigration site has broken as people look to leave the US in the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump’s election as the country’s new president.


Wolf Blitzer Cannot Accept The Fact That Hillary Conceded To Trump [VIDEO]

Clinton supporters weep after election takes unexpected turn – NYP Gallery.

26 Comments on Prepare your crying towels!

  1. Anybody else hope the IRS will now leave the conservatives alone, do their job and investigate the Clinton Foundation like it should be?
    he’s our law,
    if it can’t bury Hillary,
    nobody can.

  2. Erick Erickson is on the radio this morning explaining to “the ignorant” what the election results mean. His tone is the same as last week only now he’s telling YOU how YOU did it! Where would we be if ANYONE had taken him seriously. The polls, the polls.

  3. Yes James, the election has consequences and they are that the American People have HAD IT with flaming Assholes like you!
    However, on a positive note… have a nice day everybody 🙂
    Hillary… have the day you deserve Bitch!
    Karma’s just getting started on yer shit!
    The same thing goes double for that criminal business partner you call a husband!
    You know… that the low-life, bicycle seat-sniffing trailer park troll who was convicted of perjury, impeached and disbarred!
    The Clintons can’t be Febrezed.
    They need to be chased to the ends of the Earth and prosecuted.
    Book ’em Dano! And while yer at it fuck Comey over for us!

  4. Well Obama, looks like being a snotty self absorbed asshole doesn’t work too well as a policy imperative. You were a waste of our time. But we do thank you for the courts and the dismembering of your party. Along with so many other bonuses, among which are some prominent loudmouths that promised to leave the country.

  5. “1st thing on the to do list-REPEAL OBUMMERCARE!”

    And refund any penalties collected through the IRS.

    As for re-paying the suffering endured it may have to suffice with a short video of Lois Lerner being water boarded.

  6. “Canadian immigration site broken” my ass. They don’t want these snowflake assholes in their country as much as we don’t want them in ours. Yes…OURS!

    Now shut up and eat your Kaboom!

  7. The peasants didn’t do as they were told – there will be consequences!
    Unpleasant consequences!
    The American people are revolting!

    (I can hear them in my own mind)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. True story (so you know it’s true):

    Heard from family (in a land where the people are so blue, the dead still vote unnoticed) this (technically) morning, “The orange won. We’ve got to move.” She (don’t smirk) proceeded listing the places I’d suggested expatriating to when the Democrats last thought Hillary Clinton was acceptable (even as a) choice for President of The United States. (You know, back before the no ticket required, banker lottery.) I asked (don’t call it trolling) “What’s wrong with Mexico?” She said she “Didn’t want to get killed by a drug cartel.” And proceeded with Cuba, and places that had been “not a bad idea” a decade ago, before she “Put herself aside, and did the right thing, for the good of the country.” to end racism, as we knew it.

    Oh, and can I “make sure,” today, that her furnace is cleaned out and working automatically. Because it’s getting chilly at night.

    Buckle in, you deplorable not Americans. The ride hasn’t even started, and you already know it’s going to be long.

  9. Koskinen – blind him, castrate him, hobble him.
    Lerner – do the same.
    Podesta – do the same.
    Jarrett – do the same.
    Emanuel Bros. – do the same.
    Axelrod – do the same.
    Ayers – do the same.
    Gibbs and Earnest – do the same.
    Gruber – boats.
    Obola – boats.
    Reid – boats.
    Pelosi – boats.
    McConnell – boats.

    Tie bells around their necks so that people can feed and abuse them.
    OK to hit them with sticks and rocks – not OK to kill them.

    Punishment should be commensurate with crime.

    izlamo delenda est …

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