Prepare yourselves: Top Gun 2 is coming – IOTW Report

Prepare yourselves: Top Gun 2 is coming

As many people remember, Top Gun was an iconic movie where Tom Cruise played the smooth-talking Navy pilot, Maverick. The classic soundtrack and infamous lines have lived on in pop culture ever since.   MORE


So…What do you think?

46 Comments on Prepare yourselves: Top Gun 2 is coming

  1. Never saw the first one. I don’t go to movies. It’s amazing the amount of people who’s lives are directly affected by a movie. I have friends that use movie references constantly.
    No idea what you’re talking about.

  2. Goose is DEAD. His replacement will be Grease, and
    they will both be married together in the Navy and
    cheat on Naval rules on spousal deployments by flying

    How could that be wrong?
    I was in the Med during the events of what that movie
    tried to duplicate.

    Ronnie did good on Khadafi.

  3. NO. jUST NO.
    Keep your paws off of something that is not only an excellent piece of iconic cinema, but also is one of my favorite movies. Just STOP Hollywood. STOP.

  4. Well, around a military airbase old pilots can be found in the Officer’s Club, clumped into little squadrons drinking with one hand chasing their watch on the other hand. “And then there was this time….” Should be a good opportunity for various alcohol and designer watch ad placement income.

  5. Legendary Naval Aviator & blogger, the late Carroll LeFon – Neptunus Lex – flew & taught at Naval Fighter Weapons School, insisted that TOPGUN was “all caps, one word”. I always enjoyed reading his blog. he was a good writer.

  6. I want to see it remade with McCain and Lindsey Graham.
    Change the name to “Top Bum”.
    Story line, McCain, son of an admiral, an irreverent shit bag, kills his shipmates on the Forrestal and nearly scuttles the aircraft carrier. He is transferred and become a traitorous songbird in Hanoi.
    Mean while Lindsey comes out of the closet as a transvestite. Two storied careers in the military, two men before their time. Both become US senators to destroy the character and characteristics of a Nation.

  7. Wow. So much negativity. I actually liked the 1st movie and soundtrack. The good guys won and didn’t apologize for it. #2 will never live up to the first and I agree, will probably be a heaping pile of PC nonsense.

  8. “Any bets? Protagonist will be gay,female, a plucky immigrant, a tortured liberal fighting the man in a jingoistic hell, trans….”

    wasn’t that the part tom cruze played in the original ?

  9. Hollywood is devoid of original thought. Their box office shows the results.

    I personally think people are turning away from Hollywood, because they forgot they are supposed to entertain, NOT act as an arm of left wing propaganda. Trying to sound empathetic does not go with the lifestyle, which the public sees, very clearly.

  10. Yes, the New Village People Navy needs help recruiting homosexuals that need sexual reassignment surgery, women that want to fet pregnant with free pre/post natal child care and sexually dismorhic sexes that hate America and give carrier secrets to foreign media like lunch. The ship will be the USS Chelsea.

  11. Brace yourself for remakes of all your favorite films, using current actors that relate to millennials – it’s the only game the studios have left.
    That, and fantasy movies based on comic books.

  12. The sequel will probably suck as most sequels do, but there have been exceptions such as The Godfather II. I might try watching Top Gun 2 once it is streamed for no additional charge on Netflix or Amazon, but I wouldn’t risk the price of a theater ticket to see it (plus I like my popcorn with just a pinch of garlic powder).

  13. No! Stop stealing classics from the 1980’s and remaking them into the equivalent of a straight to video version. Have you seen the actors they picked for the remake of Dirty Dancing? Generic what’s there faces you’ll never recall again once the movie ends. It must be that Hollywood can only make dystopian trilogies-they have to plunder elsewhere for other content. Boo! 😡

  14. I caught some of the Dirty Dancing remake. It blew bigger chunks than Michael Moore after a binge-purge session. Hollywierd should just close shop (Please, oh please!!!). They have managed to ruin almost every iconic movie out there. Thankfully, I don’t see any post movie concert tours planned like they had after the original DD. I really am not interested in seeing how they will absolutely f@ck up Top Gun.

  15. At least they aren’t remaking the 1st one with a bunch of millennial libtard actors. Having Amy Schumer playing the Cruise lead etc. Most movies just don’t need a sequel. Just a way for Hollywood to try to gin up some excitement and get some people that haven’t gone to a movie in decades back to the theater.

  16. Scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    Original flick had a killer soundtrack and Kelly McGinnis and some unapologetic post-Red Dawn sorta-patriotism.

    I expect the Lady Ghostbusters treatment.
    What’s eerie is that Cruse has only aged about 6 months worth from 1986 to 2017.
    The top levels of Scientology must offer 25th Century cell regeneration immortality chambers. No plastic surgeon is that good.

  17. Cruise will be an instructor at Top Gun, his student a young female. Her “back seater” will be a male to further highlight her position of superiority. Cruise and his student fall in love. The climax (ahem) will have Cruise rescuing his female student-love-interest at the last moment when he suits-up, flies into battle, and shoots down the enemy pilot – at the last second, of course.

  18. “Any bets? Protagonist will be gay,female, a plucky immigrant, a tortured liberal fighting the man in a jingoistic hell, trans….”


    Finished it for you.

  19. Adding to my earlier post –

    They will have to work the Gay angle in somehow. It won’t be the major theme of the movie but will be there to pacify the Left; it will be a scene at a local bar or the Officer’s Club, and two same-sex officers will be making out or will be seen leaving together. They will be harassed by the stereotypical “local” and Cruise will intervene.

  20. If Top Gun 2 is comprised of Marine Corps aviators & Naval aviators bombing the ever-loving shit out of the illegal, artificial, fake, heavily-armed Commie Chink “islands” in the South Chink Sea, then I’m all for it. I hope they use lots and lots of napalm….

    But seeing how Hollywood has its head up its ass while it licks the ass of the Commie Chinks nowadays, I’d say the aviators will be leftist trannies who voted against Prez Trump, or some shitdrivel like that.

  21. Tom Cruis(ing for dudes) character will be a gay admiral in the remake/sequel? That would fit the timeline.
    I was stationed at Miramar for the first one. His squadron patch is actually from VAW-110 which flew the E-2 Hawkeye & C-2 Greyhound…NOT the F-14.

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