Pres. Trump Ordered Gen. Milley to “Use National Guard” Days Before Jan 6. He was ignored. – IOTW Report

Pres. Trump Ordered Gen. Milley to “Use National Guard” Days Before Jan 6. He was ignored.


A BOMBSHELL REPORT has come out of the Committee on House Administration, specifically from a subcommittee on oversight:  President Trump did in fact urge General Milley (then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Armed Forces) to use whatever means necessary to safeguard the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

“There’s going to be a large amount of protesters here on the 6th, make sure that you have sufficient National Guard or Soldiers to make sure it’s a safe event.”

“Hey, I don’t care if you use Guard, or Soldiers, active duty Soldiers, do whatever you have to do. Just make sure it’s safe.”

Those were the words of President Trump on January 3rd according to transcripts which include General Milley’s testimony about the events leading up to the January 6th protests. more

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