President Biden ‘Appeared to Need Help Just Staying on the Red Carpet’ in Israel – IOTW Report

President Biden ‘Appeared to Need Help Just Staying on the Red Carpet’ in Israel

US President Joe Biden appeared to “need help just staying on the red carpet” after he got off the plane upon his arrival in Israel, says Sky News Australia host James Morrow.  

7 Comments on President Biden ‘Appeared to Need Help Just Staying on the Red Carpet’ in Israel

  1. Egad, I seriously doubt that Kamalla could beat anyone, especially DeSantis. The entire Democrat party is full of shit. Not even an economic crisis can cure the stupidity in this nation.

  2. What gets me, is his handlers aren’t even embarrassed about his inability to walk down anything steps or flatland. Even more so when there’s only one way to go, he asks “which way do I go?” I hear crickets coming from the Republicans. Everyone is talking about his decline, yet no one has stepped in to stop it. That tells me they have a ways to go with the final nail in America’s coffin. Nothing has happened to Humper yet, so I’ll hold onto my theory.

  3. This is exactly what they wanted! They had one mission to piss the hell out of Republicans. Guess what it’s twerkin. They proved a doorstop would beat him. They never knew how good & their energizing bunny keeps going & going & going & everyday now brings another smile to their faces. Lovin every minute of it.
    Big Mac is clogging dough boy mind & arteries.

  4. The leftist lapdog media in The United States hide these revealing clips of Demwit Joe without a clue where he is or what day it is, while shamefully posing as a U.S. President.
    However, the world knows he’s a fraudulent, demented pervert and they’re not afraid to show it. The humiliation never ends, but somehow the world probably understands the rotten egg is exclusive on Demwit Joe’s face. They don’t take for granted the United States can be a sleeping giant – still standing for liberty, despite the oligarchy in control.

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