President Donald J. Trump Launches Massive 10-to-1 Deregulation Initiative – IOTW Report

President Donald J. Trump Launches Massive 10-to-1 Deregulation Initiative

White House

President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to unleash prosperity through deregulation. 

The Order requires that whenever an agency promulgates a new rule, regulation, or guidance, it must identify at least 10 existing rules, regulations, or guidance documents to be repealed.  

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget will ensure standardized measurement and estimation of regulatory costs.

It requires that for fiscal year 2025, the total incremental cost of all new regulations, including repealed regulations, be significantly less than zero.  MORE

11 Comments on President Donald J. Trump Launches Massive 10-to-1 Deregulation Initiative

  1. I guess the Leftists will not be trying to create any new regulations for the next 4 years so 10 of their current crap regulations will not be repealed. It looks like Trump’s team will have to create a truckload of new good regulations to repeal enough bad ones to be able figuratively fill 10 of the world’s largest cargo ships to capacity.

  2. @Zonga – in 2024 we saw the reversal of ‘The Chevron Deference’, which was a 1984 case in which SCOTUS basically allowed agencies to make up rules (and fees!) Trump stated several months ago that there wasn’t even a need to litigate, that those agency-created rules are simply invalid. So EPA ruling that a rain puddle is under their jurisdiction is no longer.


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