President Donald J. Trump Opinion Piece – IOTW Report

President Donald J. Trump Opinion Piece



The barbaric and evil terrorist attacks on Israel are a horrific reminder that the world is safe when America is strong—but when we have a weak president in the White House, the costs can be greater than our worst nightmares.

If we hope to prevent further shedding of innocent blood, the United States must learn the painful lessons of these savage atrocities. As we pray for the Israeli people in this hour of anguish and give them our complete and total support, we must also confront the absolute failure of the Biden administration, whose incompetence and ignorance invited this heinous and deadly assault on civilization itself. The only thing Biden is good at is the weaponization of the justice system against his political opponents.

Every step of the way, Joe Biden has empowered and emboldened America’s enemies the world over—and clearly none more so than the terrorist group Hamas, and their bloodthirsty sponsor, the villainous regime in Iran.

When I left office, Iran was weak, broke, and desperate to make a deal. I told other nations, including China, that if you buy oil from Iran, you can’t do business in the United States. Virtually all complied. Iran’s terrorist regime was careening toward bankruptcy, hemorrhaging money, and could barely pay the salaries of their radical Islamic thugs. I hammered Iranian oil exports down to a record low. But then Biden came in, loosened my sanctions, and today Iran is producing more than three million barrels a day. Iran went from making little money under me to raking in at least $80 billion a year under Biden.

Iran knew that Biden was soft, foolish, and able to be pushed around the very moment he assumed office. In May 2021, shortly after Biden eased sanctions, Iran’s proxy Hamas launched over 4,000 missiles at Israeli population centers. Iran paid no price—and then Biden sat back for nearly three years while the Iranian regime accumulated $70 billion in oil wealth to help fund its terror network around the world. more here

11 Comments on President Donald J. Trump Opinion Piece

  1. “…weak president in the White House, the costs can be greater than our worst nightmares.”

    We have no President at ALL in the White House.

    Just a demented, corrupted, compromised fraud that actually ENJOYS destruction for its own sake.

    And that’s actually WORSE.

  2. It was a better world, nation, economy and culture when Trump was president and it’s impossible to deny that. One may dislike the person but the president was superior in every single objective measure.


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