President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un Initial Meeting Remarks – Transcript and Pictures – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un Initial Meeting Remarks – Transcript and Pictures


President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un deliver initial remarks at the beginning of their one-on-one bilateral meeting. 

13 Comments on President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong-un Initial Meeting Remarks – Transcript and Pictures

  1. Feeling back chills with this. The first time in decades, actually ever, a face to face and handshake? To say “don’t mess with us and we won’t mess with you”. The past is the past and “our future” together matters. After the last 4 decades of cowards that never would meet this way. They just always caved in. And allowed being held, for votes, America hostage to keep being the McCain-Graham war machine going for self pocket lining money and support. No balls at all ever did they have. Like him or not, He is the S*it!

  2. No reason to feel back chills. DJT had him one way or the other. NKO has no choice. They’re in a kill box. And yes the correct word is balls. Having said that I think the deals been done for a while. DJT and his staff, including Rodman, deserve a big freaken high five. Lets hope Rocket Man doesn’t go off the deep end before the deals done.

  3. @Bad_Brad, just shaking them off, and nods. With apprehensions still cause you never know. Yet this is at least a start that has not happen before. No lifetime career elected politician has tried before. They just kept giving in to promote their personel greed and NWO support.

  4. @Bad_Brad also, High Fives to Dennis Rodman is many deserved. Never thought much of him as I do now! Hopefully his commitment being a true American will be appreciated and a lesson for many. It’s Snoky1 again, getting late, hence Snory1, regards to all, sleep well

  5. Listening to his press conference on the way to work. Some interesting tidbits.

    Trump mentions that Trudeau most not realize that Air Force one has like 20 TV’s. Must not also realize he watched Trudeau stab him in the back after they shook hands on a positive note when Trump was leaving for Singapore.

    Trump stating that photo of him sitting when all the other G-7 leaders were around him, they were just conversing waiting for some paperwork to come out. Said it was friendly banter, not this big fight as the media tried to make it out to be.

    Love Trump ripping on the press saying before the summit took place that Trump gave away the store and got nothing in return. Great that Trump said we gave up nothing, unlike Obama who gave a ton of cash to the Iranians for hostages and a bad deal.

    I have to say Trump was very optimistic, but cautious. It’s up to Kim now to see if he really wants to change his ways and end the nonsense.

    Side note: Seeing the left spin now is that Trump got played like a sucker and helped legitimize a dictator. Remind me of how many dictators and terrorist organizations that Obama helped legitimize, while giving away the store to boot?

  6. Nice of Kim Jong Un to shave his head to show us his lobotomy scar.
    But anyway, Trump has quite a knack and flair for winning. Glad to see so many Blue Checkpoint reporters frustrated.

  7. Trump said Kim is smart. Yup. He realizes his country is dying because the people are dying off.
    He had to do something.
    Let’s hope he sticks to it.
    This is YUGE!!

  8. Check out the lying dying full of shit New York Times (June 9, 2018):
    “In the Trump Administration, Science Is Unwelcome. So Is Advice.
    As the president prepares for nuclear talks, he lacks a close adviser with nuclear expertise. It’s one example of a marginalization of science in shaping federal policy.”

    Check out Pompeo’s response (June 11, 2018):
    “Before discussing the summit, I want to address a report in The New York Times that suggested that the U.S. team lacks the technical expertise on dismantling North Korea’s weapons program as part of these talks. I want to address that report directly.
    For over three months, an interagency working group of over 100 experts across government has met multiple times per week to address technical and logistical issues associated with dismantling North Korea’s weapons programs. They include experts from the military charged with dismantling nuclear weapons; the Department of Energy, including PhDs and experts from DOE labs; and officials from the intelligence community covering North Korea. Those same experts also cover North Korea’s nuclear, chemical, biological, and missile programs.
    These experts include dozens of PhDs who have expertise in nuclear weapons, the fuel cycle, missiles, chemical and biological weapons. They have advanced degrees in nuclear engineering, physics, chemistry, aerospace, biology, and other relevant fields.
    On the ground in Singapore, we have a team that includes the President’s senior most expert in weapons of mass destruction who can cover any technical needs that the meetings may present.
    Any suggestion that the United States somehow lacks the technical expertise across government or lacks it on the ground here in Singapore is mistaken.”

    Fuck the New York Times and the rest of the Democrat Media Mafia


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