President Donald Trump: ‘Let’s Have a Shutdown’ If Congress Can’t Close Immigration Loopholes – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump: ‘Let’s Have a Shutdown’ If Congress Can’t Close Immigration Loopholes

Breitbart: President Donald Trump threatened a government shutdown if Congress did not act quickly to close immigration loopholes allowing MS-13 gang members to cross the border.

“Frankly, I’ll go a step further, if we don’t change the legislation, if we don’t get rid of these loopholes where killers are allowed to come into our country … if we don’t change it let’s have a shutdown, we’ll do a shutdown,” Trump said. “It’s worth it for our country.”

FOX News screenshot- FOX NEWS

The president hosted a law enforcement roundtable on the threat posed by MS-13 gang members with Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and other officials from the Department of Justice.

“I’d love to see a shutdown if we don’t get this stuff taken care of,” Trump continued.

Several members of Congress also attended — Reps. Lee Zeldin of New York, Martha McSally of Arizona, Michael McCaul of Texas, and Barbara Comstock of Virginia. READ MORE

9 Comments on President Donald Trump: ‘Let’s Have a Shutdown’ If Congress Can’t Close Immigration Loopholes

  1. Justice and law only exist when they are maintained.

    They have not for decades.

    President Trump Will maintain Justice and the Law with or without Democrats or the RINO Establishment.

    We the people demand it. Go Nuclear.

    ENFORCE THE LAW of the Land and JUSTICE will be maintained.

  2. @Doc
    “How about assigning every democRATic law maker one MS-13 member as a house guest in the meantime?”

    We’ll start with the CLUELESS democraps, who say they have “NEVER heard of” MS-13. >:->

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