President Donald Trump Releases A Video Message On Afghanistan – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump Releases A Video Message On Afghanistan

Conservative Treehouse: Presented to the Sean Hannity show for broadcast, President Donald Trump delivers a message to the American people and the families of our fallen soldiers.

“This tragedy should have never taken place”…

8 Comments on President Donald Trump Releases A Video Message On Afghanistan

  1. All part of the plan. There isn’t anything that has happened, that the SWAMP hasn’t endorsed. You’ll know for sure, when Biden does nothing.
    Expect more of the same in the days to come.

  2. I know it may be tasteless to ask this now but when these fallen warriors are brought back to Dover AFB, will the any high ranking official from this Admin show up(Biden, Harris, DOD? If they do, will the families tell them to pound sand? I know they have more on their minds than politics right now, but I’d be a tad hot under the collar if these slackers showed up to offer their condolences.


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