President Donald Trump took a moment to honor a real hero at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER) – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump took a moment to honor a real hero at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER)

DC: The president was en route to the White House — following the abrupt end of his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un — when he stopped off at JBER to speak with the troops.

After speaking briefly about planned advancements for the military, Trump turned his attention to Sgt. Sean Rogers, who was recently awarded a Bronze Star.

“Among those with us is sergeant John Rogers who a few weeks ago received the Bronze Star for valor,” Trump said. “Where is Sean, where is Sean, Sergeant Sean? Around here someplace … where are you?”


7 Comments on President Donald Trump took a moment to honor a real hero at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER)

  1. “I won’t bring the Generals up”. Good! They too often lately seem to have forgotten their place and what their jobs are. Seems anymore they all want to be democrat politicians.

  2. This is why some Dems believe that DJT won’t leave the White House “peacefully” if he isn’t re-elected. No enlisted grunt is going to march to the White House to evict the guy who obviously is on their side.
    Some are talking about a “civil war II” – oh yeah – guess who has all the guns and ammo- bring it on, Dems and Snowflakes.


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