President Donald Trump’s administration plans to announce design finalists for his “big beautiful wall” soon. – IOTW Report

President Donald Trump’s administration plans to announce design finalists for his “big beautiful wall” soon.


The announcement will take place sometime in the summer of this year, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesperson. It will include four to eight designs for wall “prototypes” to be constructed in San Diego.

The exact date and details of the prototypes announcement have not been set, but is expected to be a major milestone for the president’s promised project.

Trump supporters will soon see for themselves exactly what the wall might look like after the contracts are awarded and constructions of the prototypes are completed.

The prototypes will allow officials to see and test the designs for themselves, according to the CBP, before making a decision on the final design for the planned wall on the Southern border.

It is unclear whether President Trump will be part of the public announcement of the prototype finalists. The White House did not respond to questions from Breitbart News about the president’s deliberations on the wall or the upcoming announcement on wall prototypes.

But some of the final designs may differ from Trump’s campaign vision of a solid wall made of “hardened concrete, rebar, and steel.”  more here


SNIP: For you dummies who don’t understand the concept of a national border, a wall is for keeping  people OUT not IN.

9 Comments on President Donald Trump’s administration plans to announce design finalists for his “big beautiful wall” soon.

  1. I’m going to look into the future. Are you ready?
    Next time a liberal runs for potus the chant will be from the Reagan administration.
    And they will actually tear down some or all of the wall down.
    Remember they are children and they hate this country

  2. Then he needs to eliminate Obama’s DACA executive order and deport all of the illegal aliens it gave protection to. He needs to do this today.

    They MUST GO BACK.

    No point in having a wall while granting Obama’s illegal aliens de facto amnesty.

    Build the wall AND deport them ALL.

  3. The wall is really a dumb idea. If you want to get rid of ants, you don’t build a wall; you clean up all the sugar that attracts them. Cut off the sugar and your ant problem is solved.

  4. @MR_Pinko, she’s starting to get annoying, seriously.

    Bman has the right idea, get rid of those goddamn EBT
    cards, SS disability and anything else if you don’t
    have a visa or a green card.

  5. Seems to me, lots of peoples being confused over aesthetics versus an impassible barrier. Pull your heads out of your ass. Oh and fuck Ann Coulter. She was a liability from the get.

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