President “I Don’t Trust the Taliban” puts his trust in the Taliban – IOTW Report

President “I Don’t Trust the Taliban” puts his trust in the Taliban

Patriot Retort: Boy, that infamous July 8 press conference on Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal is so bad, I have a feeling the White House might go back and selectively edit it, if not just memory hole the entire thing. In addition to asserting that there would be no Saigon-like evacuation of the US embassy in Kabul, Biden also repeatedly said that he does not trust the Taliban.

mentioned the other day that I downloaded the transcripts from both his April 14 speech and his July 8 speech. So I’ll just put the relevant portion of the transcript here:

Q: Do you trust the Taliban, Mr. President? Do you trust the Taliban, sir?
THE PRESIDENT: You — is that a serious question?
Q: It is absolutely a serious question. Do you trust the Taliban?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I do not.
Q: Do you trust handing over the country to the Taliban?
THE PRESIDENT: No, I do not trust the Taliban.
Q: So why are you handing the country over?
Q: Mr. President, is the U.S. responsible for the deaths of Afghans after you leave the country?
Q: Mr. President, will you amplify that question, please? Will you amplify your answer, please — why you don’t trust the Taliban?
THE PRESIDENT: It’s a — it’s a silly question. Do I trust the Taliban? No. But I trust the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better trained, better equipped, and more re- — more competent in terms of conducting war.

Oh, my aching head. more

10 Comments on President “I Don’t Trust the Taliban” puts his trust in the Taliban

  1. He’s on his way out anyway.

    On a related subject, the unintended consequences of the politization of NASA: ANOTHER crazy woman US astronaut:

    The hole in the International Space Station was likely made by the NASA astronaut Serena Maria Auñón-Chancellor:

    Lesbian US Astronaut Becomes First Criminal in Space:

  2. Nuthin sez “I trust the Taliban like 75,000 vehicles, 200 aircraft, 600,000 weapons, and $85 billion in U.S. Dollars!!”

    Meanwhile these 7th century cretins are singing:
    Hey, hey whadya knows,
    We just got back from shopping at Traitor Joe’s!

  3. Do we trust Dr. Jill to keep Dementia Joe on track to finish Fundamentally Destroying our Country? Can we trust Susan Rice and ValJar and Omohammad to keep Dementia Joe on schedule to complete the invasion of this Country by millions of Third World Shitholers? Should we trust Secretary of State Blinken and General Milley to make an even bigger mess of the Afghanistan Fiasco? Absolutely!


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