President of El Salvador asks if the destruction of American cities is a ‘deliberate plan’ – IOTW Report

President of El Salvador asks if the destruction of American cities is a ‘deliberate plan’

Sí señor. Thank you for noticing:
Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within?” Bukele tweeted on Monday. “…Why are they letting their beautiful cities rot?” More at the link ^^^

19 Comments on President of El Salvador asks if the destruction of American cities is a ‘deliberate plan’

  1. Instead of asking the question, he should make the declarative statement. Everyone in the world can see we are being destroyed from within! And what’s worse, when we go down the tubes there is no place left to find freedom. We are the last best chance on earth, and 50% of us don’t see it.

  2. At this point we should not rule it out.
    Trump is no longer our commander in chief so the riotous far left scoundrels cannot use that as an excuse, but the Democrats in Congress and the senate allowed this hurtful destruction upon the American psyche to run rampant implicitly. Guess the plan worked scared the bejeezus out of weak milqutoast voters who chose a poor replica of a leader for that White House desk. They have chosen woke’d DA’s and Mayors as well during this downward spiral. They are starting to regret it woefully today.

  3. Of course it is. The plutocracy wants the US constitution burned in the fires of “revolution” so their permanent privilege can be written into the next “constitution”. In they name of “equity” the stupid prog faggots will permanently destroy any chance for equality of opportunity.

  4. Yo Nayib! Does a hobby horse have a hickory dick?

    Seriously tho, thanks for asking. Now Jackass Joe is dismantling the Army by discharging soldiers who didn’t take the jab. Think this is just coincidental?

  5. @Hambone February 3, 2022 at 12:20 am

    > The real question is, why aren’t we slaughtering leftist in the streets right now to stop this madness?

    Is that the question? The real question?

  6. @Hambone February 3, 2022 at 12:20 am

    Oh. Some of you want an answer? You do realize nobody’s getting paid for this? Right?


    When you’re going to remove a tree. A dead tree. A rotted tree. You have to get to it. Brambles. Nettles. Briar. That needs to be removed. First. “Removed”. In the same, the exact same, way you need to remove the rotten tree.

    Muh 401Ks! Muh investment properties! Muh an heroes! Muh rule of law! Muh bowties!!!eleventy!!! That’s not who we are!


    (now, hit the tip jar)

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