President of Media Matters Admits to Sabotaging Conservatives Associated With Trump – IOTW Report

President of Media Matters Admits to Sabotaging Conservatives Associated With Trump

Project Veritas: Project Veritas Action has released the sixth video in a multi-part series that is sending shockwaves through the DNC and the Clinton campaign. In a new video released by Project Veritas Action, a PVA journalist exposes how his pay for play with Robert Creamer landed him a meeting with Bradley Beychock, the President of Media Matters For America, an organization that has been attacking James O’Keefe for years.

During the meeting, Beychock gave the PVA journalist a tour of their offices. He also proudly boasted about the Media Matters assault on conservative writer and political consultant Roger Stone.  MORE



8 Comments on President of Media Matters Admits to Sabotaging Conservatives Associated With Trump

  1. That was a little tame for my tastes right now. I’m looking for more blood and red meat from the stinking libs. We’ve been getting some good samples lately, now I want to see Project Veritas and Judicial Watch and Wikileaks put them away.

  2. The poster of Tom Wolfe’s “Radical Chick, Mau- Mauing the Flack Catchers” is worth noting. Tom Wolfe best social critic ever.
    Great read. Pick it up at Amazon and read it while not watching some NFL game. Hilarious observations of how the left/liberals think and act.

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