President Roomba: “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For”  – IOTW Report

President Roomba: “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For” 

GP: Joe Biden on Saturday stopped to talk to reporters posted up on the South Lawn as he departed to Camp David, the presidential retreat in Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland for another weekend vacation.

Reporters asked Joe Biden about escalations with Iran, the border crisis and Ukraine.

Biden denied there is a crisis at the southern border even though an estimated 11 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age males from Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East – invaded on his watch.

“Would you call the situation on the southern border a ‘crisis’?” a reporter asked Biden. more

26 Comments on President Roomba: “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For” 

  1. Joe, ” “If My Republican Colleagues Don’t Fund Ukraine, They’re Gonna Have an Awful Lot to Pay For”

    Media, finally doing it’s job. “Why Joe”

    Joe “Because we have the muther fxcking Easter Bunny locked up tight in GITMO. If Republicans don’t cooperate we’re killing the rabbit and no Republican children will have an Easter.

    Media. “But Joe, wouldn’t that punish Democrat Children too?”

    Joe. “Come on man”

  2. “This traitor needs to be brought to justice and hanged.”

    FBI gonna bring him? DOJ gonna bring him?

    Yeah … I’ll hold my breath on that …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Yea, we know, and Corn Pop was a bad dude. Bla, bla, bla, and yada, yada, yada and Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care. STFU, sit down and eat your goddamn oatmeal.

  4. Yes, Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family SHOULD be held liable for their many years of bribery and treason. As long as the DoJ and MSM covers for them, nothing will happen. Who ya’ gonna call when the Sheriff is stealing from you?

  5. And this after DHS shit head Mayorkas said, “You’re not going to like who comes after me” when threatened with impeachment. Sure seems like a lot of naked threats coming from the Biden regime.

    Me, I’d like to call their bluff, but the GOPers are either taking a dive, or terrible poker players, or both. The Biden clowns also suck at cards but they seem to hold all the cards, and election control is their ace in the hole.

    Still, I wish somebody had the balls to call their bluff. This game is going to end in a gunfight, anyway.

  6. The old Galoot says that if we don’t kiss his stinky ass he will continue to flood the country with every Jasscoon, Miquel and Muyhomand from around the world and it will be our fault!

  7. Biden’s boondoggles have cost US citizen’s $100s of Billions of deflated Dollars. We taxpayers have become slaves of the corrupt, political state.
    The blame goes to Biden, the Democrats and the weak, appeasing Republicans.

  8. It would appear that filthy, black, foreign African Queer Barack still has his dirty fingers in the governments business, up Joe’s ass and calling the shots!

  9. Not a single word out of the Turnip-head-In-Chief about the damn Europeans picking up some of the tab for stopping the threat in their own back yard. Screw Ukraine! Screw Europe! Screw Biden!

  10. “If my Republican colleagues don’t fund Ukraine, they’re gonna have an awful lot to pay for”.

    That sounds like some plumber who would say: “Look lady, either pay me $1,000 now to clear you pipes or pay me $10,000 next month…what’s it gonna be?”

    Yes, sounds like extortion.

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