President Silver Alert and his ad-libbing disasters – IOTW Report

President Silver Alert and his ad-libbing disasters

Howie Carr:

Dementia Joe Biden is now so incoherent that even the official White House transcripts are calling him out for his howling whoppers.

For me this is great news. No one individual can catch all the insanity that this duplicitous dolt spews out of his fork-tongued mouth every day.

But now, help has arrived for all us scribblers. Brandon archivists now have an additional resource — the White House website. And the White House is catching mistakes that most of us would never have noticed.

For example, there was a gay-pride event at the White House Wednesday. Among his other dementia-related problems, Brandon stumbled as he read this from his prepared remarks:

“People like the legendary advocate …” Long pause … “Mr. Vaid.”

He couldn’t come up with “Mr.” Vaid’s first name. Which is par for the course. But when I checked the official transcript, somebody had inserted a line through “Mr.” and added, in parentheses, “(Ms. Urvashi).”

In other words, Dementia Joe “misgendered,” as the wokesters say, this lesbian activist named Urvashi Vaid. Aren’t college professors being canceled or denied tenure for the same high crime of misgendering?

Only if they’re Republicans, I guess.

The point is, I never would have caught that stumble. But Brandon couldn’t get it past the stenographers at the assisted-living facility that 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has become. more

14 Comments on President Silver Alert and his ad-libbing disasters

  1. This can’t go on much longer. He’s going to die in a fiery bicycle crash, where the handlebars are found a quarter mile away. And nobody will have any questions.

  2. Toenex, you’re probably right. It could be an escalator. Or some scaffolding in the fake White House. Or some silicone spray on the second floor balcony. They’ve got to get a lingering, debilitating injury, preferably with a coma. But then we’re back to the Jill “Edith Wilson” problem. It’s got to be a twofer.

  3. The last time I fell off a “bike” it was doing 55 miles per hour. But shit got hosed and I skidded on my back, and my shoulder, and busted my asshole.

    To this day I have no idea how my guts didn’t blow out of my ass.

    Joey is riding the wrong kind of bike.

    He should be on a Harley with a cardboard helmet.

  4. Dementia Joe’s Handlers and Masters are being assisted in this Presidential* Charade by the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media and the entire Biden Family. Anyone can see that Poor Joey belongs in the Sunny Day Mental Wellness Center, especially Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping. Based on the pace of his disastrous accomplishments, he’s been a more successful Manchurian Candidate than his Chief Handler, Baracky Osmidgen. It can only get worse.

  5. Confirmed and verified fact is that Joe Biden has long been an associate and “friend” of the Ku Klux Klan who hate not only ethnic groups but homos and trannies as well. All his posturing is nothing more than typical pandering for votes and continued and underhanded whipping of blacks, with his main targets being blacks who are youngsters and who have fallen for his sly anti-black creeds.

  6. No matter how he croaks it will be a panacea to the citizenry. Except that 33% that think he’s doing a bang up job. (See what I did there? Falling off bike? Bang up? Forget it.)


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