President Trump agrees to postpone State of the Union Address – IOTW Report

President Trump agrees to postpone State of the Union Address

Patriot Retort: Last night President Trump agreed to hold off giving the State of the Union during the Shutdown.



As the Shutdown was going on, Nancy Pelosi asked me to give the State of the Union Address. I agreed. She then changed her mind because of the Shutdown, suggesting a later date. This is her prerogative – I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an….


.…alternative venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber. I look forward to giving a “great” State of the Union Address in the near future!

That second tweet there makes a great point.

In fact, let’s hop in the Wayback Machine to President Trump’s 2018 State of the Union address.

Toward the end, he said this:

And freedom stands tall over one more monument: this one. This Capitol. This living monument to the American people.

A people whose heroes live not only in the past, but all around us — defending hope, pride, and the American way.

They work in every trade. They sacrifice to raise a family. They care for our children at home. They defend our flag abroad. They are strong moms and brave kids. They are firefighters, police officers, border agents, medics, and Marines.

But above all else, they are Americans. And this Capitol, this city, and this Nation, belong to them.

Our task is to respect them, to listen to them, to serve them, to protect them, and to always be worthy of them.

“This Capital. This living monument to the American people.”

“And this Capitol, this city, and this Nation, belong to them.”

This is at the heart of self-government.

While some people might view this as President Trump caving to Nancy Pelosi, I don’t.

By agreeing to wait the President has done two things.

First, he takes away Nancy’s opportunity to prattle on about how she’s not going to let the President give the State of the Union until he does what she demands.

And more importantly:

35 Comments on President Trump agrees to postpone State of the Union Address

  1. Our president shows, daily, exactly which end of the donkey the New Democrat Party is. They carry the seeds of their own destruction; he’s just readying the crucible.

    Thank you, God, for this man. Amen.

  2. This is seen as a win for the Left and a Loss for Trump, a sign of his weakening and encouragement to continue opposing the wall till he breaks and gives in to them.

    And that’s what it may be, we should be finding out in short order.

    FWIW, I really hope Trump stands fast and doesn’t give in, this is the make or break point for the entire conservative movement that elected him. There will be no coming back for the side that loses, be it the Right or the Left.

  3. Hi MJA, sorry I can’t agree. Trump could have used the Senate or the Oval Office. I would say that the State of the Union is of incredible importance today to get his side across (without MSM filtering) as to why the shutdown is important, to make Americans (because I swear I don’t believe they really understand what’s at stake here), to remind them that those that are working for no pay will be receiving all back pay and some will be also getting a bonus (I don’t think most citizens realize that), that the Dems refuse to come to the table to talk and while this is a painful process it’s necessary to secure the country from the pending disaster it’s facing. Without secure borders you arguably don’t have a country. He could have shifted the public’s perception that this shutdown is actually Pelosi and the Democrats fault and not the Presidents.

  4. I completely agree with Dianny.

    PRESIDENT Trump is not going to let a golden opportunity of Nancy sitting behind him the whole time while he rips her one over and over and over. LOL!

  5. It’s always interesting when very differnt people, arrive at the same place, for very different reasons, and discover they’re on their way to the same destination.

    It’s time.

    Impeach the weaselcucker.

  6. It will come as no shock that I disagree with any opinions that POTUS Trump is caving or compromising the American cause by delaying the SOTU. But I would strongly urge those who hold those views to keep them to yourself, otherwise the Left in this country will have nudged us in the direction they want us — questioning the resolve of this president, paranoid about his “real” motivations, and split on our support in 2020. They know that in any war (which is exactly what we are in with the Left), splitting off and stampeding any of Trump’s support will pay handsomely in the coming 2020 election. Don’t help them. Stand strong, trust the man who’s first allegiance is the American people, and let Pelosi stand alone in “her House!”.

  7. Dianny, makes a strong case but I still would rather see Trump do something on January 29th in place of the State of the Union. I hope he has a plan for something. He has so much ammo to work with, Hillary, Huma, emails, FBI, DOJ, DNC, Mueller, FISA, Covington, Fake News, Fake Indians, Fake Outrage,……..

  8. Not going to mistrust trump. The left is still scum. But this is a mistake.
    Even if pelosi owns the sotu being postponed…so what. What will fake news report? You already know. He should do it from the oval office, get his point across and f the dems. Let them know they’re garbage.

  9. P.Trump is going to win this.
    Every day more and more Dem’s are coming out and saying that we need some type of boarder wall and more patrol.
    The Speaker has made herself look petty and small and by extension the whole Dem party.
    One thing we are learning about the president is that he is stubborn as a mule,plus he does not trust them.

  10. Some of you need to stop panicking. Stop leaning out the windows of the Trump Train, sit back, enjoy the ride – get a patriotic latte and victory scone.
    Relax, while President Trump runs over all the fake victimhood of the Government Shutdown, Nasty Nance tied to the tracks.

    The State of The Union is postponed, not cancelled. Either way, the Left proves they’re the only obstructionists.

  11. No matter what Trump does or doesn’t do, the Left thinks they burned him. Honestly, why do you give a shit what the Left media thinks? They certainly don’t care about what YOU think about them. I know because they keep telling me. The children can dance all they like, but they still haven’t gotten what they wanted.

    Check out nancy. She’s not letting Orange Man speak in the House just because he wants the border defended, just like most of America. Kinda petty right? Look at her. Not one compromise since her flat ass got elected queen of the zombies. She’s all theater.

    But Trump? He has stayed in the WH at Christmas, he asked them time and time again to come deal with him. But nothing. The dems give nothing. He’s been grabbing them by the pussies so many times, they’re numb to it.
    But the public is watching nancy. Even the dems on the street are saying she’s a bitch and has done nothing to compromise.
    Even when the R’s brought up a bill to fund the fed workers, the dems turned them down. All but 6 or 7. That’s a bad look, nanc.

    In the meantime, the Republicans are playing a lot nicer with Trump than the dems are playing with nancy. She can’t even handle the bickering between the progs and the socialists. She can’t even stop her minions from going on camera talking to CNN, saying that the wall’s not a bad idea. lol. Trump cut her head off and she don’t even know it yet.
    Thanks for that quote, nancy Jr. lol

  12. MJA

    Food stamps are unfunded in a week or two. A SHTF moment if your’e a Libtard.

    Nancy and are hubby are worth 33 million (minimum). Pretty impressive for a job that pays 150 K a year. Who does she owe?

  13. I know what The State Of The Union is in. I live it each day. Low gas prices.more people working. An increase in my SSI check.and most people are happy and at ease.worry causes stress.stress causes you to loose sleep and weight and for some tips them over the edge. Ill state with Alfred E. NEWMAN-what,me worry?. I dont put mytrust in a man or politics but in God. He is my helper and law giver.

  14. So, the libtards and MSM will start chanting ‘impeachable offense’ the day after Trump doesn’t give his SOTU address.
    He’s required to give one. The usual suspects will try to claim it was due on the 29th, and Trump refuses to abide by the law, etc. ad nausem.

  15. I agree with President Trump, however I’d love to see him address Americans on the state of our union.

    Few of the representatives we have ARE representing the people. Therefore, I’d like him the address us. We need to know, we want to know and we deserve to know the truth.

    President Trump is the only one who can whack the wacko media and commie demoncrats. Not all of America is enslaved by twitter or fascistbook. We need a huge State of the People’s Union rally, complete with his well spoken simple truth.

  16. @Bad_Brad January 24, 2019 at 3:54 pm

    > Food stamps are unfunded in a week or two. A SHTF moment if your’e a Libtard.

    Non-essential apparatchiks are already dismissable. A BOHICA sit back and trust “the plan” moment, if you’re not a Libtard.

  17. The Constitution requires a SotU _report_, not an address. Jefferson wrote a SotU report and had it delivered (and read) to Congress.

    Today, professional speech writers write, and the president delivers.

    Trump could do as Jefferson did, and mail it today.

  18. The media is crowing that she won. I hate that. Trump should force his way into the chamber to deliver the SOTU or do it somewhere else. He may pull out a victory when he eventually does give it. But today, he’s playing her tune.

    He’s wiley, but he’s got to act. I say, Mr. President, stop fooling around with the dems, declare the emergency, and start building…..every day without a wall lets more illegals in.

  19. Simple solution to wall issue: Trump should cave in to the Dims and agree to open borders. But!! All the illegals should be deposited in Never Nancy’s home district in SF, Let’s see how long the love lasts! Trump should call her bluff!

  20. Has Presdident Trump ever shown one iota of backing away from a fight…??

    I hear… “he’s gotta do this, or he’s gotta do that…blah, blah, blah”.

    This isn’t tiddlywinks he’s playing. He’s the man I want leading…and I won’t second guess him. In a major war…you don’t blow your wad in the first battle.

  21. @ Left Coast Dan – yeah like Adams intuition on the Covington Boys??

    I for one did not want a ‘rally’ as being myopic.

    POTUS is seeing not the big picture but the HUGE picture.


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