President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis: “We’re Not Going Into Syria”… – IOTW Report

President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis: “We’re Not Going Into Syria”…


“We’re not going into Syria,” he told me yesterday in an exclusive interview. “Our policy is the same — it hasn’t changed. We’re not going into Syria.”

The president, speaking by phone Tuesday, called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad a “butcher” and a “barbarian” for using sarin gas on his own people, but said last week’s successful missile strike was not the start of a campaign to oust the dictator.

Story @ Conservative Treehouse

7 Comments on President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis: “We’re Not Going Into Syria”…

  1. It amazes me how many Trump conservatives are freaking out that “we are going to war in Syria,” when there is absolutely no evidence of that, quite the contrary.

  2. I believe them. NoKo is another matter.

    I’d love to know what terms Trump offered Xu to finally eliminate Kim and the nukes program. Lots of trade carrots on offer.
    Kim’s been a dead man since Jan. 20.

  3. Cernovich is claiming credit. He believes the Twitter backlash he started got Trump to change his mind.

    Um. Okay.

    Or, just tossing this out here, maybe Trump never planned on going into Syria and the Twitter backlash was a tad premature.

  4. “Cernovich is claiming credit. He believes the Twitter backlash he started got Trump to change his mind.”

    SO is that idiot Paul Joseph Watson. Unbelievable. Nice to take credit for being a change agent when it was never on the agenda in the first place. It’s disappointing to watch people that we think are our allies constantly shoot themselves in the foot.

  5. We all saw the comments elsewhere about WW3 and the new cold war. Now Putin flinches and will meet with T-Rex.

    can we put away the pearls and the fainting couch now?

  6. President Trump and Secretary of Defense Mattis: “We’re Not Going Into Syria”…

    Translation: We’ll continue to fuck them up from the outside, until Isaiah 17:1 comes to fruition.

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