President Trump, Ann Coulter react to Steinle verdict – IOTW Report

President Trump, Ann Coulter react to Steinle verdict


Trump explodes after Kate Steinle verdict, sums up why so many Americans ‘angry’ about illegal immigration.

President Trump said the not guilty verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial was absolutely “disgraceful.”


“A disgraceful verdict in the Kate Steinle case! No wonder the people of our Country are so angry with Illegal Immigration,” Trump tweeted.

In a shocking verdict, a San Francisco jury acquitted illegal immigrant Jose Ines Garcia Zarate in the 2015 fatal shooting. The jury was not told Zarate was a 7-time felon when deciding his verdict.

At the time, Kate, 32, was strolling on a pier with her dad when she was gunned down for no apparent reason. The defendant claimed the gun went off on its own. Three times.

The San Francisco jury found Zarate not guilty of first or second-degree murder or assault with a firearm, but convicted him of being a felon with a firearm. U.S. immigration officials plan to deport Zarate for a sixth time following his murder trial.  read more



BPR: Conservative columnist Ann Coulter joined countless others in shocked reaction to the verdict acquitting an illegal immigrant in the death of Kate Steinle.

The New York Times best-selling author declared that Steinle “would still be alive if we had a wall” between the U.S. and Mexico.

The 32-year-old Steinle was shot and killed in the sanctuary city of San Francisco in 2015 by Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, a 45-year-old illegal immigrant who had been deported five times. On Thursday, the seven-time felon was found not guilty by a California jury.

Coulter seemed as disgusted by the verdict as many Americans who vented on social media, and joined in with a series of tweets Thursday.  read more

10 Comments on President Trump, Ann Coulter react to Steinle verdict

  1. The left is in love with the idea of murdering all of us just like their idols Mao, Stalin, and Che. This is a big part of why they support human vermin and amoral filth – muslim terrorists, criminal aliens, criminals of all types, abortion, and anything antithetical to life. The left are all scum and they want you and your family dead, never ever forget that.

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