President Trump Arrives at Army-Navy Game – the Crowd Goes WILD – IOTW Report

President Trump Arrives at Army-Navy Game – the Crowd Goes WILD


15 Comments on President Trump Arrives at Army-Navy Game – the Crowd Goes WILD

  1. Asshole Trump thinks those cheers means he won the election. Instead of the asshole doing something meaningful now since he let them get away with it in the first place, he should stay out of the public and put an end to this stupidity. I mean he did pick two phenomenal AGs, a stellar FBI director, and three solid as a rock SC Justices that could be relied upon to disagree with Alito and Thomas when it counts most. Time to admit the truth. Precious time has been wasted following this idiocy. I see no arrests and no assassinations. That means hes been told hes leaving in 45 days.

  2. Our president is NOT going anywhere…

    Do NOT sweat this one.

    75 million votes ALSO includes probably 75% of the serving military and THEY know Hiden’s Ascension is a FRAUD like those of us not serving.

    And I am not even talking about VETS, both recent and not too recent…

    WE are not going anywhere!!


  3. Wisconsin judge, appointed by TRUMP, just dismissed his case WITH PREJUDICE. LOL. Very sad how trump got played like a door mat by Cocaine Mitch Mconell. Cocaine Mitch has all of his judges in the key spots right when he needs them. Its stunning to watch the absolute methodical destruction of trump at every single turn. the chinese are really very smart people.

  4. I love how the trolls come out when they think they smell blood in the water. Not just talking about comment sections, but also sites supposedly on our side like pretty much all of Salem Media. I’ve threatened it for awhile and I had actually quit reading them for at least 2 years, but the crap being written now and every day it seems as if they have someone new writing crap, I’m done for good. PJ Media, Red State, Twitchy and Townhall can all go the way of Drudge.
    We’re witnessing our country falling apart and all those people can do is attack the people who are actually fighting.

  5. My first thought. This mask bullshit is too much.

    Next. Bernie Gets gets it. I’m all for fighting on but the SC supposedly our firewall with the 3 Trump picks, has just told him, oh my, much too messy for us. Don’t they understand that if Biden is installed, their institution, like everything the left sets its sights on, will be relegated to just another left wing shit show. With another 4 or 5 REgressive judges, the SC becomes a banana republic rubber stamp. And these dolts are our greatest legal minds?

    President Trump has the power to end this travesty and it’s called the Insurrection Act. He’ll have the unwavering support of over half this country to put evil cocksuckers like Brennan, McCabe, Weisemann, Clapper…into cells on Gitmo and shut down this seditious media. Maybe a few of you should read up on some of the steps old Abe took and believe me, I’m no fan of his but he understood the enormity of the task ahead of him.

    Trump better get his head screwed on. Lenin and his bunch numbered but a few hundred when the Bolsheviks seized power in Russia. And that’s about the number of cocksuckers we need sitting in Gitmo that would end this crap.

    The fact is this election was stolen with in our face fraud. This is absolutely the last time anything can be done about it short of a guerilla war. Playing clips of that cunt Ingrahm snickering about Biden’s flubs is a 100% distraction from the nightmare.

    Once this collection of scum get back into the WH, they ain’t ever gonna be leaving. How laughable to hear commentary about how Trump will lead a movement the next 4 years and then kick Harris’s ass in 2014. It’s now or never.

    And right now I’m leaning heavily towards never. Once that reality sinks in, than…


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