President Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states – IOTW Report

President Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states

First action filed in Michigan as Trump unleashes Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell and Pam Bondi.


President Trump’s campaign on Wednesday began assembling an all-star legal team to file challenges to election regularities in several battleground states, starting with a Court of Claims lawsuit in Michigan.

Among the lawyers the president is activating include his private attorney Jay Sekulow, who will help campaign lawyers with matters before the Supreme Court as well as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, officials said.

Sidney Powell, the lawyer for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, may also be called upon, officials said. read more

17 Comments on President Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states

  1. I’d rather see them start in Wisconsin where blacks were more excited to vote in Milwaukee for Joe than Obama (vs black voters in Cleveland and Cincinnati that were not) with thousands of ballots marked for only Biden (and nothing else).

    But it doesn’t matter I suppose if they can find similar in MI that will be good enough.

  2. Answerman Cooper
    NOVEMBER 5, 2020 AT 8:42 AM

    “The LEGAL voters of the contested states should be assembling legal teams for voting rights violations.”

    …and assembling militias to contest open tyranny and disenfranchisement as our forefathers did, to fulfill the TRUE purpose of the Second Amendment before Beto comes for your guns…

  3. ” Do the blue staters really love their lockdowns that much??”

    They hate Trump and his side of the table, which includes you and me, much more than they hate the lockdowns.

    And a lot of them, maybe most of them, or close to it, are actually supporters of lockdowns on top of it as well since they live their lives in fear and want to feel safe.

  4. ilk
    NOVEMBER 5, 2020 AT 8:41 AM

    “Do the blue staters really love their lockdowns that much??”

    …why should THEY mind? They get money for nothing, have an excuse to stay home if they want and not do boring stuff like work, get to see government oppress people who think differently than them, and if they feel like going out for a little recreational robbing, looting, raping, and arson, its not like the lock downs will be applied to them anyway…

  5. It’d be more efficient if we had a process in place that ensured legal votes before they were tabulated instead of chasing it afterwards with tampering to cover it up, and that process would actually work. Just sayin…

    It seems illegal activity gets what they want more than those that follow the system properly. My wife has been trying to get unemployment from the state of Illinois since May with no luck. They claimed to have sent her a certification letter stating she was approved for unemployment, but USPS lost that letter so she couldn’t send the official certification back. After months of going ’round and ’round explaining her case, yesterday she got an official DENIED letter stating that she didn’t send back the certification due to personal reasons which is a total crock. Now we’re back to square one after months of fighting. Yet the state gets fleeced millions of dollars due to illegal claims, no problem. I want to scream at the sky!!!!

  6. “Cheating aside, how could it have been so close in the first place? Do the blue staters really love their lockdowns that much??”

    They have cheated in an over the top way, there is no way more blue staters voted for Joe in dramatically higher numbers than their black jesus. That is why it was so close they predicted how many ballots they needed then they saw it wasn’t going to be enough, so they had to stop counting, print more ballots, change electronically votes from Trump to Biden.

    IMO there is no way even if the courts rule ballots can’t be counted or must be thrown out to trust the election. We’ve had people making videos of burning Trump ballots, mail carriers who have thrown away ballots, ballots being printed. Outside of the reddest states and even in them I could see some democrat voting areas with cheating because it’s too easy to do with mail in ballots, open it up pull out the ballot change it with a ballot you’ve printed, envelopes and ballot numbers match up.

    We need an entire do over election for national offices or at least a do over in Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania where the most shenanigans are going on. It’s never going to happen I doubt, but if anyone cared about fair elections it would.

  7. ecp
    NOVEMBER 5, 2020 AT 9:04 AM
    “It’d be more efficient if we had a process in place that ensured legal votes before they were tabulated instead of chasing it afterwards with tampering to cover it up, and that process would actually work. Just sayin…”

    …the process will be WAY more efficient at the midterms during the Harris Administration.

    The Democrat Party picks your rulers.

    That’s the process.

    There won’t be vote fraud because there won’t be a vote. Easy peasy.

  8. Chaos Day 2.

    What I predicted might happen before the election, if it wasn’t a landslide victory. But hoped it wouldn’t happen.

    The surprise is its Trump demanding recounts. I thought it would be Joe.

  9. There was never a greater push for jerry-rigging the method(s) of voting and the method of allowing votes in after the fact than in this election and in these essential electoral states — all perpetrated by the Democrats. That’s prima facie evidence right there.


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