President Trump at Nashville, Tennessee Rally – IOTW Report

President Trump at Nashville, Tennessee Rally

Donald Trump: Mexico Will Pay for the Wall and ‘They’re Going to Enjoy It’.

President Donald Trump repeated his promise to make Mexico pay for the wall on the Southern Border, explaining that he would get the funding from renegotiating NAFTA.

“I don’t want to cause a problem, but in the end, Mexico is going to pay for the wall, I’m just telling you … they’re going to pay for the wall and they’re going to enjoy it, okay?” he said.

Trump slammed Mexico for doing nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigrants from South American countries traveling through their country, even though they enjoy a $100 billion annual trade deficit with the United States.  more here



Donald Trump Takes Veiled Shot at John McCain for Voting Against Obamacare Repeal.

In the past year, McCain famously voted twice to save Obamacare, first in July and then against the Graham-Cassidy Obamacare repeal effort in September.  more

15 Comments on President Trump at Nashville, Tennessee Rally

  1. We are all flawed humans but McCain never made an effort to improve himself. His self serving and corrupt demeanor will be with him to the last. What a waste of life.

  2. Rhinocrats! Be of good cheer. Mrs. John McCain will continue her future dead husband’s record of lying to the Republicans in Arizona to be elected so he could vote with the Democrats whenever he wanted to make sure we understood that he was a man of principles. It’s a dynastic trait, an inherited right of betrayal. It’s the McCain way of proving patriotism.

  3. Hey Mcstain!!!(shamelessly stolen from the comment section)

    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.·´

  4. I was discussed to see HBO began showing their John McCain For Whom the Bell Tolls propaganda show over the Memorial Day weekend. What terrible timing I didn’t watch it, the previews were more than I could stand.

    It’s a safe bet JM wasn’t depending on any feature of Obama Nocare for his own cancer treatment.

  5. @WiscoDave May 30, 2018 at 8:11 am

    > I’m hoping that McCain soon will receive the full military honors that are so long overdue.

    What title should we grant those who participate in such honors? Honorable? Loyal? Patriots, perhaps?

  6. Voted twice to “save” ObolaCare (a financial abortion based upon the demented concept of “Socialized Medicine” and the concomitant theft of $Billions from working people) are just TWO of his many Treasons.

    And probably not the worst of the lot.

    izlamo delenda est …


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