President Trump Calls For Documents Regarding Campaign Infiltration – IOTW Report

President Trump Calls For Documents Regarding Campaign Infiltration

Daily Caller: President Trump on Saturday tweeted a call for the release of documents regarding the FBI or DOJ “infiltrating” his campaign after continued reports identified an intelligence source within the Trump campaign.

Trump echoed the call of several Republican lawmakers to further scrutinize any role played by Stefan Halper, a University of Cambridge professor who was connected to both British and American intelligence agencies. He added that the possible infiltration of his campaign was “a really big deal.”

9 Comments on President Trump Calls For Documents Regarding Campaign Infiltration

  1. Infiltration. Nuts!
    I made a painting when I was 12 called “Past Times” and everybody in it was white. I gave it to my girlfriend Becky and now see she made all the people Black. Not only that but 50 years later she gets 21 million for it?
    If The Donald needs advice it would be to protect your assets before they become someone elses.

  2. It looks like Halper will be the scapegoat. But there may be something even more sinister going on. Halper has ties to GHW Bush going back to at least 1980. Bush was CIA Director under Ford. The Bush family controlled the Republican party from 1988 to 2016. Did the Bushes and the Clintons conspire (collude?) to take down Trump?
    How many Deep Staters that are still there did they appoint? How many NeverTrumpers sold their souls to the Bush family?

  3. PDT already has them all, or he wouldn’t be tweeting.
    Tweets are his circus ring spotlight. Trump is the Ringmaster.

    “Protect your assets before they become someone elses”.
    I’m going to adopt that one.

  4. I hope Trump hits the gas soon because this coming election could spell the end to any chance for justice. If they can stall and foot drag until then they’re home free and the corruption will continue forever.


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