President Trump Calls Into Hearing on Voting Irregularities in Arizona, Blasts RINO Gov. Doug Ducey (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

President Trump Calls Into Hearing on Voting Irregularities in Arizona, Blasts RINO Gov. Doug Ducey (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit –

President Trump on Monday afternoon called into the hearing on voting irregularities in Arizona and the crowd erupted in cheers.

The hearing was chaired by Representative Mark Finchem (district 11) with a number of House and Senate members on the hearing panel.

Trump’s legal team led by Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis brought out many credible witnesses again on Monday who testified on the Dominion voting machines and other irregularities that point to outright Democrat voter fraud.

In the middle of the hearing on Monday, Arizona’s crooked Secretary of State certified the false election results. watch

4 Comments on President Trump Calls Into Hearing on Voting Irregularities in Arizona, Blasts RINO Gov. Doug Ducey (VIDEO)

  1. The spread in Az last time I checked was 4202 lousy little votes. There are at least that many cars at any given time in line at In-n-Out Burger.
    Fock Snooze really fucked us when they called the election while at least a billion people were still waiting to vote.

  2. I cannot stand that pudgy, sweaty, turncoat we call a Governor.

    He has aspirations to run for a higher office, well good luck with that. We won’t forget how you stabbed President Trump in the back, ever. 🤬


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