President Trump Calls Out Montana Dem Senator Jon Tester – IOTW Report

33 Comments on President Trump Calls Out Montana Dem Senator Jon Tester

  1. They make fun of the length of President Trump’s ties ?!?

    The biggest hog I’ve seen Jimmy Dean™ buy at County Fairs was a lil runt compared to Tester of the Mountain Gut State ! Soooooooey, deep stater!!!

  2. “With a flat-top haircut, three missing fingers and an impressive girth, Sen. Jon Tester has somehow kept a low profile in Congress. That’s until he caught the attention of Americans — and President Trump ”

    3 missing fingers? Was he licking sauce off of them and things just got out of control?

  3. Oh good. I was hoping that you would post something on this.

    On Politics 1 they list these as Republican contenders to run against Testy:

    Troy Downing
    Russ Fagg
    Al Oszelewski
    Matt Rosendale

    Any Montana IOTW reader care to give us some insight into the race? We need the strongest candidate to take on boss Hogg and I’m ready to pony up. But I don’t know who is the best candidate with the best chance of winning.

    Anybody out there?

  4. Snapshot of Tester:
    Let’s see….. pro-abortion, Pro homosexual rights, “F” rating by the Gun Owners of America, ethics investigation on taking illegal shadow contributions, Voted for Obamacare, Tester voted to confirm Supreme Court nominees Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. He refused to support Neil Gorsuch.

    In December 2010, Tester voted against the DREAM Act, He stated: ” I do not support legislation that provides a path for citizenship for anyone in this country illegally.
    However he flip flopped in 2017. He further stated; he criticized President Donald Trump for saying that he would cancel DACA in six months. “I don’t support what the president did,” Tester said. “I think it’s ill-informed, I think it rips families apart, and it’s not what this country stands for.” Asked if he would now commit to voting for the DREAM Act, he said, “I support comprehensive immigration reform.”

    Non-veteran serving on the Veteran’s Committee.
    30 years as a liberal voting congressman.

    He looks as though his will power to push himself back from the table equals his ability to reduce the size of government.

    Montana needs to rid themselves of this progressive.

  5. Montana has had a lot of bad US Senators, US Senator Clark of the late 1900’s and early 20th century was one corrupt SOB. He also moved to Las Vegas later in life and Clark County in Nevada is named after him. Mark Twain hated his guts and very publicly said so. If you read Timothy Egan’s book The Big Burn about the 1910 forest fire that destroyed Wallace, Idaho you’ll find out a lot about Senator Clark and his corruption.

  6. MJA April 29, 2018 at 10:19 am

    Who are those people orbiting around him?
    I know they’re not kidnappers.

    They’re his toadies.

  7. Quote from what movie?

    OFFICER 1: I’ve never seen anyone drown in a bowl of chili before.
    OFFICER 2: Me neither. I wouldn’t even know how to fill out the forms on that.

    Will you move it, you lardass!

    I was just giving the place an enima and these pieces of shit came floating to the top.

    I start to get antcy when I haven’t gotten any in a few weeks.

    We could put up wanted posters all over school: Have you seen this prick? Report immediately to Beula Balbricker. Do not attempt to apprehend this prick, as it is armed and dangerous. It was last seen hanging out in the girls’ locker room at Angel Beach High school.

  8. Tester is really a mess. Is that a huge mustard stain or something on the front of his shirt? Spare pizza slice LOL. Tester should resign and spend some time on his health and try to lose a few pounds. He’s not a good senator, Montana and the US would be better off, and he might avert the health problems toward which he is careening.

  9. @ PHenry, MJA, et al,
    I think there are few Montanans who are neutral about the, to my family, vile and hideously porcine sen. fester. People I’ve met from Big Sandy, MT, fester’s “hometown”, have told me he is almost universally loathed and held in contempt up there. He hasn’t carried his own district since he ran for and won national office. I think he won his first term only because then Sen. Burns shot himself in the foot by bad mouthing forest firefighters about a month before the election. It was a very close race and Burns’ comments probably cost him enough votes to make him lose. Fester has screwed this State over numerous times – unless one is an obama lefty sycophant. And, he successfully lies about it when he comes home and in his ads.

    What follows in pure speculation on my part.

    Whether they like him or not, most MT (d)s will vote for fester because he holds that office. They do not care that he is no Mike Mansfield, a man of integrity and courage whether or not you liked his politics. They don’t want to lose that power/reliable lefty vote. There is no primary opposition opponent on that side. There are several cities in MT that are reliable bastions of (d) votes. Helena (the capital, also known to me as Nolackaloonies), Bozeman and Missoula (both U towns and now both stridently lefty), Butte and Anaconda (where most voters still are hereditary (d)s, no matter what that party has done to them in recent years) and the seven Indian (OH! Wait!! Triggering insensitivity… cough.. Native American) Reservations who always vote (d) for the federal $. I suspect they’ll all go for fester although the vote margins for him probably will be diminished a bit.

    I know only one of the (r) primary candidates personally and then only as a patient. He, Olszewski, is a superb surgeon who replaced my knee and my wife’s as well (a walk in the park for both of us). He is a wonderful, decent, very intelligent man from our experience but, frankly (and this IS the pits as far as politics now goes in this country), likely too decent a man to win. Russ Fagg is a retired MT District Court Judge. He’s been endorsed by former Gov. Racicot, a former (d) who went (r) when it was convenient and now is a GOPe regular. Fagg’s family are long time (r)s. He’d be a universe better than fester even if he turns out to be a GOPe. I don’t know much about Downing or Rosendale except that good friends over in E. MT really like Rosendale. He’s now State Auditor. Rosendale is from MD and that may work against him in the general. He’s also quite politically ambitious. I suspect most of the nastiness about whoever wins will begin after the Primary season and initially, at least, will stem from the (d)s. The (r) candidates have been pretty civil so far.

    I think most Montanans really DGAS about politics and tend to pay little attention until their personal oxen get gored. That may help explain how fester got reelected. But, perhaps, given the vote margin President Trump received and the number of oxen fester has gored in his two terms, his “popularity” has fallen too far. As for the anti-gun angle, it’s the voter inattention that has helped him – and his former colleague sen. mux bogus (Max Baucus) – escape the consequences of his and bogus’ betrayals in that area.

    @MJA: All of our sons are small businessmen. One has said for years that he’s going to rent a big billboard in the Bozeman area that shows fester and his hand with the missing fingers, with the caption, “What got ’em Jon? The hammer or the sickle?”. That hilarious caption – to us at least – may go over the heads of too many voters. We’ll see if he buys the space.

    I think whoever wins the (r) primary will benefit from President Trump. If people want to put $ on this race, I’d advise you to wait until the (r)s sort themselves out.

  10. Really enraged nailed it. I’m from the Bozeman area and libs are thick here. I’m also a veteran and have seen through that steaming pile of human debri’s bullshit since he stole the first election. Many of us are conservatives but the lib strongholds of Helena, Missoula, and Bozeman will do a same-day voter registration on election day to carry their slug over the line. In sum: Tester is Yugely despised in our state and we pray for his defeat!

  11. Flat tops were cool. From ’54 to 59; I know I had one. But that was 60 years ago. White socks and blue suede shoes were also cool. Except for Pat who wore white bucks. Is this out of date guy wearing Carl’s shoes; or Pats? Can not see from the pic.

    If I got my lunch all over my shirt I would button my coat – or has he out grown it?

    Is that his “killing face” or can he not smile?

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