President Trump Can Fund the Border Wall with Unobligated Balances – IOTW Report

President Trump Can Fund the Border Wall with Unobligated Balances

American Thinker:

While President Trump is correct to remain committed to building a border barrier and has asked all Cabinet agencies for wall funding, he can fund the entire barrier without having to declare a national emergency.  Instead, he can draw full funding for a complete border barrier from unobligated balances.  Unobligated balances “are the amounts of budget authority that have not yet been committed by contract or other legally binding action by the government.”  Former senator Tom Coburn described unobligated balances as “essentially money for nothing.”  While in 2012 there was an estimated $687 billion in unobligated balances, unobligated balances in federal and trust funds in FY 2019 is estimated to be a whopping $1,156,136,000,000 (See Table 1 on page 9).  The total estimated unexpended end-of-year balance (i.e., the unspent balance including unobligated and obligated balances) for FY 2019 is $2,650,531,000,000.

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17 Comments on President Trump Can Fund the Border Wall with Unobligated Balances

  1. I’m glad that Nancy is gonna let PRESIDENT TRUMP speak in OUR house chambers on February 5th (bless her heart). I’m also glad that she will be visible above his left shoulder sucking denture cream down her throat (bless her heart) for about 30 minutes, maybe longer….She needs a strong lesson on how the cow chews the cabbage and if she cores out it will be must see teevee….fingers crossed….
    The bonus will be seeing Clint Eastwood talking to RBG’s chair….I can write this play….


    There are multiple avenues to fund the wall, and he just doesn’t seem to have the stones to get it done. Keeps dangling it in front of our faces, then complains no one will help him.

    Promise not kept.

  3. Maybe Trump is a phony and is playing us. He can’t seem to do anything without being obstructed. Why didn’t he do this when he had control of congress?

    Why didn’t he declassify the FISA documents?

    Who is he protecting?

    Is he a masochist who enjoys losing?

  4. President Trump is (actually) an American who seems to believe in our Constitution and is (as opposed to Obola – with his “pen and phone”) trying to get the Legislature and Judiciary to do what they’re paid to do.

    We’ve had enough of weasels who attempt to circumvent the “law” in the name of expediency for whatever perverted notions they have: Abortion, Fag “Marriage,” Psychotics in the Armed Forces, Illegal Immigration, Sharia in our Courtrooms, Deviancy, Child Molestation (Hollyweird, New York, Boston, Chicago, &c.) – everything being countenanced by Academia, the Media, and our political classes, in fact, in violation of our Constitution (which constrains the FedGov, not US) and being pretended as a “right” (ObolaCare, for instance).

    You either believe or you don’t.
    You either respect the Constitution or you don’t.
    You either support limited government or you don’t.

    Things really can be reduced to binary.

    And I firmly believe that President Trump is attempting, as President Reagan did, to restore coherence to the structure before the dissolution is irretrievable.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Tim

    That horse left the barn a while back.
    You can’t reason with irrational people on the left and building the wall doesn’t deviate from constitutional constraints.

  6. Every grant or contract considered “member initiatives” (pork), (like cowboy poetry and thousands more) the funds should be withheld for Border Security.
    Start eliminating wasteful pork projects in California, Massachusetts, Vermont, Hawaii, Maryland, New York, Illinois, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Then add eliminating funding for Palestinians, other terrorists groups, non-democratically elected governments, the EU, UN and and all the UN bullshit initiatives.
    I dare say you could built the wall and start paying down our national debt.


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