President Trump Chastises Media for Trying to Smear His Supporters after Bomb Scares – IOTW Report

President Trump Chastises Media for Trying to Smear His Supporters after Bomb Scares


“The media has tried to attack the incredible Americans who support our movement to give power back to the people,” Trump said. “Our supporters are some of the most honest, wonderful, principled, hard working, patriotic people on the face of God’s earth.” The rest is here

6 Comments on President Trump Chastises Media for Trying to Smear His Supporters after Bomb Scares

  1. Had this happened when any Bush was in office, or MCCain, or Romney, they would have caved, agreed with the media and thrown Republicans and Conservatives under the bus. It’s nice to have a president who defends you. Not only that, he’s making sure the country’s economy and laws work for everybody. Not just for us as part of his political group. Which is far more than 0bama ever did, being such a crony partisan asshole. And don’t get me started on what hillary or bernie would be like.

  2. The problem for the media, dems and neverTrumpers is Trump has never said go out and harass democrats, get in their faces, make sure they can’t enjoy a minute in public with their pussy hats on. CNN sucks didn’t come from Trump, it came from people that see day in and day out that they LIE and SMEAR Trump and all his supporters with fake news and BS made up stories while protecting Hillary, Obama and their ilk. This is going to backfire beautifully. They can’t stop themselves, they are going to continue to overplay this and all it is doing is making Republicans and Trump supporters angrier and more motivated to vote.

  3. The media is so heavily financed by big money from the left that they no longer even bother with the thin veil of objectivity they employed in the past.
    They are just another arm of the dem machine and everyone knows it.

  4. Maybe we are the unhinged masses of Timothy McVeigh, so what?

    After this latest fiasco, I’m tempted to send a few of these leftist goofs dildos with wires and batteries in them. I think they’re called vibrators.

  5. This is the state of “The Media” tactical tool bag; “CNN graphics employees are currently tinkering with the Whiteness saturation of their Cesar Sayoc mug shot. “Blast it to ‘blindingly white’! I want to see Sammy Sosa after a week-long chemical peel!”, yells Jeff Zucker.”

    I’m pleased to observe they are nothing, if not predictable. God bless PDJT and keep him safe.


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