President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’ – IOTW Report

President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’

Geller Report: The criminal Democrats have awakened the sleeping tiger –> America.

President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’

President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that he intends to “declassify everything,” over his own apparent concern that the Department of Justice and Attorney General William Barr withheld information about an ongoing DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. read more

31 Comments on President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’

  1. The American People need to know just how rotten and deep the deep state is in order to make intelligent voting decisions. As long as they are allowed to keep us in the dark and feed us misinformation the voting wobble will not end. And America will limp along into the future.

  2. They’re not all enemies inside the FBI/CIA. Give them immunity and let them leak documents un-redacted. Also, a Devin Nunes’ guy, Kash, has access to the records. Just do it, dude. There is no law anymore, so act accordingly.

  3. Have there been any arrests on any democrat politicians resulting in jail time since 1990 Marion Barry?

    Must be nice. I’ve got a few crimes I’d like to get away with…..

  4. I’d like to be impressed, but I’m not. It’s way past time for that to have happened. The fact that he hasn’t done so yet makes it seem extraordinarily unlikely that he has the nerve to invoke the Insurrection Act. I hope I’m wrong.

  5. To all my friendly NAYSAYERS. Not going to name any names…^^^ BUT.

    NOT GIVING UP UNTIL JANUARY 14…15th whatever the dam date is.

    Please, someone count up ALL the ‘scandals’ that this man survived after the assaults from the left, rinos, Dems, etc.

    And he slew 17 reps BEFORE that…

    We are watching a present day David.

    And the battle is NOT over…actually it is FAR from over…

  6. ghost, I’m not a naysayer, I just want to see Trump take some meaningful action. He will likely have another chance assuming that the report from DNI Ratcliffe this week delivers some truth as to what happened in the election.

  7. One of the GREATEST movies of ALL time is a movie called “The Sting”, aside from having the most amazing Joplin based soundtrack, and cast, it’s a movie about a certain well done well executed ‘operation’ aka The Sting of a reverse swindle of a kingpin mobster in Chicago.

    DJT is setting up ‘The Sting’ upon the Swamp.

  8. And surviving unfounded scandals is one thing, but we need to see the aggressive counter puncher he claims to be.We damn sure need to see some Mike Tyson style knockouts on these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS!!!

  9. @Joe6pak – “I’m not a naysayer, I just want to see Trump take some meaningful action.”

    But he IS my bumper magnet friend!

    Who but anyone ELSE prior to him would have again survived this AND taken such a stand as to say the election was STOLEN via fraud?

    Who not any Bush or other?

    We are witnessing something different here and we need to THROUGH out ALL pre conceptions of what a politician is and consider what a tough son of a bitch from Queens IS.

    I am convinced he knew this was going to be tried and he made certain trip wires to occur.

    I was JUST telling the crew today DJT is a unique type in that in brings out the best in peoples, that’s you and me and EVERYONE here except for a VERY minor few.

    Then there are the types in which he has an ability to bring out the hate as well.

    IOW he has this uncanny way of OUTING evil American hating people and degenerates…

  10. ghost, you’re not wrong, and I love and respect President Trump as much as anyone. But it’s time to throw caution to the wind and win this war! It’s not going to be won waiting for the deep state to wake up and realize it’s time for their come to Jesus moment.

  11. DJT is NOT an eagle it turns out, he is a Great Horned Owl.

    Stealth at it’s BEST and you never know when you will be HIT…especially when it’s dark…

  12. I was reading on CTH a couple of weeks ago that Barr named Durham special counsel specifically to prevent PDT from declassifying anything related to his investigation. In other words, to protect the swamp.

  13. Going to go out on a limb here speaking of Owls…

    And make a sort of prediction if I may.

    The Battle of Trenton comes to mind.

    Why the Battle of Trenton? Christmas Eve surprise that is why. Against ALL odds weather, time and lighting GW decided to attack when NO ONE would attack.

    I am wondering if something WILL happen in between Christmas NIGHT and January 1st.

    DJT know his history and understands these tactics…

    The Crossing:

    “You have more guts than anyman I ever met” GW to Glover

    Sit back and let it unfold.

    Just prep yourselves for it…

  14. Declassify the JFK assassination papers: we’ll find out the CIA was in on it. Declassify Vietnam era papers: we’ll find out Lyndon Johnson started that war as a business venture. Declassify EVERYTHING – EVERYTHING.


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